5 Common Injuries Suffered by Dancers

Dancing is a physical activity that is accompanied with a certain level or risk. Dancing is something that needs to be gradually built up from scratch and one cannot simply jump into it expecting to do something they have never tried. Proper warm up and stretching as well as cooling down exercises will need to be performed religiously before and after every session. Injuries can be career threatening to any dancer and it is important to take precautions to prevent them from happening.
Meniscus Knee Tear
Dancing requires a lot of jumping and knee twisting actions accompanied by sudden direction changes. This will place a lot of stresses on the knee, particularly the ligaments and meniscus. A tear in the knee meniscus is one of the most frequent injuries experienced by dancers and it can put you out of action for up to 6 months depending on the severity. It is important to strengthen the leg muscles particularly the knee, thigh and calf to help reduce the burden on the knee.
Ankle sprains
A proper ankle connection is important in dancing. Ankle sprains occur when upon landing from a jump, the outside of the ankle rolls inwards due to a loss of balance. This will cause the ligaments in the ankle to tear. Ankle sprains are painful and will hinder you in many aspects of your daily life. You will be out of action for up to a month.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis is tendonitis of the Achilles tendon and it occurs due to muscle overuse after repeatedly acting pressure on the calf muscle. It happens most frequently in dancers who place a lot of their weight on the lower body.
Neck strain
Neck strain is a common injury and it happens so frequently because dancers have to move their head throughout a dance and many of them control it incorrectly. Instead of using the spine when they arch their neck, they use the tendons, overusing them.
Muscle cramps
Dance practices and rehearsals can sometimes take a long time and start from early in the morning till late at night. As a result, they are easy victims to muscle cramps due to fatigue and a lack of required electrolytes to replace the ones they lost throughout the day. Sometimes it can happen due to improper warm up exercises.
Dancing is a very physical demanding activity and the risk of injuries is high. New dancers will need to start slow while experienced dancers cannot be complacent and skip the basic warm up and cooling down exercises. Dancers will also need to ensure that they replace their lost fluid to prevent muscle cramps.
We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all spine injuries and sports injuries.

Learning the Importance of Skin Care

When you were young, you probably spent hours in the sun with no sunscreen. You might have even used oil to make yourself bake even more. You may or may not have washed your face every night, but you definitely did not do any more than that. Most people ignore skin care until there is a problem.
If you have never really had trouble with acne or other skin care issues, then you might have never done anything to your face other than wash it at the end of the day. Everyone is different when it comes to this organ of the body. Yes, it is an organ, and it is actually the largest one. Most people do not think of it as important or as an organ for that matter, but it is one of the most important. It protects your other organs and muscles, and it is waterproof on top of that. It is a pretty amazing organ. It is too bad that people neglect it so much.
Skin care is probably something that you got serious about when you turned twenty-five or maybe thirty. If you had acne, you might have cared for that. So many things can affect this part of your body. Stress, the food you eat, and the environment around you all have some bearing on issues with it.
If you have decided that it is time to get serious about skin care, then you would be wise to go to a board certified plastic surgeon that has a clinic in your area, or you might want to find a dermatologist or spa that does treatment. It is important that the individual doing the treatments is well trained.
There are a variety of treatments available to keep this major organ in shape. You can consider chemical peels, microdermabrasion, Botox or filler, and many other options that will give you the beautiful face that you desire.
It is important to remember that skin care should not only be done at a clinic. It is something that you need to do everyday. It does not have to cost a great deal. If you search on the internet, you can find many home remedies to keep it in good shape. If you can afford the treatments at a plastic surgery clinic, then by all means do this periodically. If you cannot afford it, you can still do something. Washing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen are key things that you can do to keep it beautiful and young.
When they want to get more serious about their skin care Columbus Ohio locals may want to consult with a professional. To learn more about your options in this area, visit the following: http://www.donaldsonplasticsurgery.com.

How Does Winter Impact Our Health?

It's pretty safe to assume that most people don't particularly care for the winter season. Sure, there are exceptions - if you're an avid skier or snowboarder, winter might be the perfect time of year for you - but most of us associate winter with frigid temperatures, outbreaks of cold and flu, horrendous weather, car and traffic problems caused by said weather and dead-black skies by 5PM. No wonder so many people look forward to spring and summer.
All of these factors can exact a heavy toll on your emotional and physical wellbeing. Many people claim that the harsh winter environment makes them feel more stressed, tired and depressed than usual. If these feelings sound familiar, you can take heart that they might not be all in your head; Old Man Winter can indeed have a negative impact on our overall health. The following list details how the wrath of winter impacts various parts of the body.
Lips - Our lips can be very susceptible to wear and tear, both from our own bodies (from heavy breathing from the mouth) and outside elements. This is especially true during winter, with its cold winds and temperatures sapping moisture from the lips. Dry lips, of course, are very prone to noticeable chapping, cracking and peeling.
Skin - Like our lips, our body's skin can lose a good deal of moisture due to the unforgiving winter climate. In temperatures below freezing, skin that is not covered by winter clothing is vulnerable to both frostnip and frostbite. Frostnip affects the outer layers of the skin, causing our fingers, toes, and nose to feel cold and eventually turn red and numb. If these parts of the body are not soon warmed, they can develop frostbite, a condition that can lead to permanent tissue damage.
Waistline - The notion that a change of seasons can lead to weight gain might initially seem questionable. However, research has shown that people tend to exercise less during the winter months. This might be due to the shorter amount of daylight in the winter, which can discourage people from leaving the house. In addition, exercise tends to have an inverse relationship with unhealthy eating habits - the less you get of one, the more you get of the other.
Mental Health - Given the early sunsets and hostile weather, you might find yourself feeling downbeat and dejected on more than a few occasions from December through March. If you've noticed this correlation, you are hardly alone - numerous studies have found that depression is far more common in the icy throes of winter than in the sunny summer. In fact, this condition even has its own name, as seasonal affective disorder (or SAD, an apt acronym if there ever was one) is estimated to impact 10 million Americans.
Heart - The link between winter weather and serious heart problems has some well-respected supporters, most notably the American Heart Association (AHA), which notes that the frequency of heart attacks doubles during the winter season. Though this connection might sound a bit baffling, it actually makes sense when one considers all the effort it takes to clear mounds of snow and ice from driveways and sidewalks. All of this heavy lifting and shoveling can be exhausting to anybody, but can be downright deadly for those who are significantly out of shape and/or have heart problems. For people who fall into these categories, the AHA recommends taking frequent breaks during shoveling, and urges against eating big meals beforehand.
Shoveling Injuries - Your heart isn't the only body part that can be damaged from purging mounds of snow from your driveway. Each year, approximately 11,000 people in the United States are hospitalized due to injuries sustained while shoveling snow. The most common reasons for hospitalization include head injuries, muscle sprains, fractures, cuts and lower back problems.
Michael Harris is a contributor to Natural Knowledge 24/7, a monthly newsletter focusing on health and wellness issues. This article, along with many others covering a wide range of subjects, can be found at http://naturalknowledge247.com/

Pregnancy Week 20 Development: What To Expect And One Beneficial Food

Congratulations! You have now reached the halfway of your pregnancy. In the next weeks to come, you should expect more amazing changes to take place in and out of your body. Your baby is growing at such an impressive rate. In fact, it has now grown into a size that everyone could almost notice your pregnancy.
The Baby's Development on Week 20
If you are anxious and excited about your baby's gender, now is the best time to have an ultrasound. A second trimester ultrasound can be administered from week 18 to week 22.
If you are having a baby girl, you should know that by this time, her uterus has now fully developed and her ovaries contain more than 7 million primitive eggs. Meanwhile, if you're having a baby boy, his testicles have now descended from the abdomen to the scrotum. Beginning this week, you may start feeling the acrobatic movement of the foetus.
What Can You Expect This Week
At Week 20, there are still lots of pregnancy symptoms that occur. First, vaginal discharge is still present and as days pass, its volume increases. As the baby begins to crowd in your body, heartburn and digestion come very often. Also, shortness of breath happens due to the expansion of the uterus.
Mild swelling and leg cramps are still present. Make sure to drink plenty of water and do some stretches to prevent the legs from cramping. On the other hand, mild swelling shouldn't really be a major concern during pregnancy. It eventually diminishes after delivery. Surprisingly, your energy and libido increases beginning this week.
Due to the surge of pregnancy hormones in your body, you can notice that your hair is getting thicker and fuller. Also, your nails can turn brittle, dry and stronger. Some pregnant women report symptoms such as occasional headaches, dizziness and faintness during this time.
A Healthy Diet For A Healthy Pregnancy
Since time immemorial, it has always been the desire of every pregnant woman to give their baby the best possible health. Maintaining a healthy diet throughout the course of pregnancy is considered as one of the most effective ways to help your baby obtain the best health possible.
Eating cantaloupe during pregnancy can definitely help in giving you a healthy pregnancy. Cantaloupe contains lots of vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are very beneficial to pregnant women and to their babies.
Cantaloupe for Pregnancy
Belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, cantaloupe is a ground-growing oval fruit which contains seeds. Its yellow flesh is naturally soft and when ripe, it has a husky smell.
As mentioned earlier, cantaloupe contains high levels of vital nutrients which provide lots of healthy benefits to the body. In fact, cantaloupe is considered as one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy. It is packed with 19 vitamins and other minerals with minimal amount of calories per serving.
Apart from being an excellent source of dietary fibre, cantaloupe is also fortified with Vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, Vitamin C, carotenes and potassium. As commonly known, intake of folic acid in pregnant women is beneficial in preventing the onset of neural tube defects. Meanwhile, its Vitamin A and beta-carotene content is useful in optimizing eye health.
Its Vitamin C helps in boosting the immune system of the body which enables it to fight against infections. It also helps in scavenging free radicals which is one of the major risk factors for cancer. The fruit actually contains lots of antioxidants which help in preventing the onset of heart diseases and cancer. Also, Vitamin C is useful in regenerating the Vitamin E in the body which have become inactive.
Cantaloupe delivers high levels of proteins which are useful in maintaining healthy nails, hair and skin. Cantaloupe is also a good source of potassium, a mineral which plays a vital role in regulating the balance of fluids and minerals in the body. It helps in regulating digestion, muscle function, energy and blood pressure.
According to research, intake of cantaloupe is beneficial to people of all ages. The fruit contains nutrients which are useful in treating and preventing the onset of diseases such as insomnia, menstrual problems, high cholesterol, cataracts, stroke, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, water retention, stress and menstrual cramps.
Find FREE expert information about the progress of your baby in the twentieth week of your pregnancy, on the blog of Merrion Fetal Health. The ultrasound clinic in Dublin has long years of experience in providing state of the art pregnancy scans.

4 Simple Healthy Steps to Saving Time

In these times everyone wants, and perhaps needs to, save time and money - right? As Olivia, a client of mine, once said "I have been able to save so much money these past 2 months by simply bringing my lunch to work and by not picking up unhealthy afternoon snacks from the vending machine - that I've actually saved enough money to go on a weekend trip to Catalina with friends." Or how about Vicky's comments: "My husband and I stopped going out to restaurants - instead of 3x- /week it's maybe once or twice and sometimes not at all! I saved enough money to go on a shopping spree so I can buy some new clothes. Since I have gone down 2 dress sizes, I am rewarding myself in very different ways now."
You see - eating within a caloric "budget" can prevent overeating or choosing the wrong things to eat. Eating, fresh, clean, whole and green just makes good sense and makes you feel so good about yourself. I encourage you to try as much as possible to stay away from foods that come in bags, boxes and any other types of packaging as they will cost your waistline and your pocketbook much more in the long run. There's not a lot of nutritional value in packaged foods, unfortunately, certainly nothing like the value you would find in real whole foods. Eating out less and eating at home more let's you have more control over what and how much you eat. I often hear clients mention they eat less when they go out to dinner and more when they are at home. And I also hear the exact opposite from others. The bottom line is to identify your trigger foods and environments and then manage them appropriately and you may need expert help with this piece of puzzle.
Here are 4 Simple and Healthy ways to Save...
#1 Be good to yourself. Don't beat yourself up if you are not behaving perfectly - you were not put on this earth to be a robot and to do everything by the book. You are here to experience, learn and to get comfortable with yourself and your own skin. Being hard on yourself can waste valuable time and energy. Eating balanced and healthy meals can actually help improve your self confidence and self esteem.
#2 Eat your greens. By this I mean - eating fresh fruits and vegetables - any and all are good for you! Natural enzymes are still intact when you eat fresh and from local growers. Visiting your local Farmers Markets or growing your own is also more cost effective and you will be benefiting from the rich inherent nutrients in the foods themselves. It helps to maintain good health when you are getting the most out of what you are eating.
#3 Create a calm, peaceful and nurturing environment when eating. This may be a difficult feat in our fast paced world but it's essential to at least attempt to eliminate as many distractions as possible when eating. Turn off the TV, play beautiful music in the background, respect your food and give thanks. I know, I know - not a simple feat - but allow me to plant some seeds for your next meal. A relaxed environment will create better digestion and save on possible problems like acid reflux, overeating (and thus weight gain) and bloating.
#4 What about Vitamin L? Yes, Vitamin Love absolutely but let's not forget about the other Vitamin L - Laughter! An often overlooked health habit laughter is just plain good medicine for the body and soul and needs to be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. Debilitating diseases have often been eliminated due to this one simple ingredient. Yes, laughing or lack of it can be a habit. Finding things to make you laugh, be light and happy - it can be as economical as watching a funny movie on TV versus an intense crime filled 
(c) Monika Klein
Monika Klein, BS, CN. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the "Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach." Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika's services and programs, visit http://www.coachingforhealth.com.

A Human Knee Model: Aiding In Explanation, Understanding And Healing

The human knee is a wonder. At the same time, it has to bear much of the weight of the body while also performing some very complex maneuvers. This critical synovial joint suffers more damage over the long-term than many other aspects of the human anatomy.
The knee is not just an important focus for medical students and doctors. People of all walks of life will probably need to understand more about their knees during their lifetime, either to avoid injury or to recover. A knee model is uniquely capable of helping people understand this joint and how to take better care of it.
Knee Anatomy
The knee is the meeting place between the femur and the two bones of the lower leg, the tibia and the fibula. While the tibia is the bone that meets the joint directly, all three bones are linked in an intricate web of muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments. The most well known structure in the knee is the patella, which you can see as the knob protruding anteriorly from the joint. Without a knee model, it would be impossible to understand or explain the knee adequately.
A knee model is useful in many different applications. Medical students can gain valuable knowledge and spend long hours of study with such a model. While they may have limited access to cadavers and skeletal examples, there is nothing like a realistic model to which they can devote hours of study and research.
Most medical patients will also need to study knee models at some point in their lives. Knee replacements are becoming more common as people live longer. However, these surgical procedures are not ideal. It is best for people to preserve the integrity of their knees for as long as possible.
Doctors can use knee models in their offices to be proactive with aging patients. Proper understanding of the way in which the knee works can help regular people avoid situations, which damage their knees. Doctors can relax when they have a knee model because they do not have to rely on their patients' understanding of complex, medical jargon. Instead, the significance of their explanation is immediately apparent.
Athletes are also rewarded by study of knee models. Virtually every sport depends heavily on the proper function of the knee. Anything that involves movement of the body ultimately depends on the knee doing its job flawlessly. Many athletes note that knee injuries or simple, unrelieved soreness can herald the beginning of the end of an athletic career. They can derive great benefits from studying a knee model.
The kind that you acquire should depend on your needs. Basic ones may be sufficient for explaining the knee to people outside the medical field who are occupied in largely sedentary work. Medical professionals and athletes may benefits greatly from functional models that show significant details about the motion of the knee.
The usefulness of these models is apparent. The only decision remaining for interested parties regards which kind of knee model to use.
Lilly Anne is a student of medicine and an experienced medical writer. She has research and written about the knee model and a variety of other medical topics.

Advantages of Consuming Whole Foods

One reason for sourcing your health foods from whole food stores is that they care about your health. These grocery outlets stock items of superior nutritional value. Organic and natural foods contain less or no toxins which would otherwise be detrimental to human health.
Whole foods are foods that are in their natural state. They are unprocessed and mostly organic. Foods that are packaged with preservatives or those that have been modified in some way away from their original state cease to be whole foods. Unpolished cereal grains, fruit, vegetables and fresh milk products are all examples of whole foods. Retailers and wholesalers of these foods are termed whole food stores. Reputable stores are dedicated to provide you with the best quality healthy foods, along with being environmentally friendly. They are keen on using things which are biodegradable. Whole food stores are the smart solution for anyone needing healthy food options.
One reason for sourcing your health foods from whole food stores is that they care about your health. These grocery outlets stock items of superior nutritional value. Organic and natural foods contain less or no toxins which would otherwise be detrimental to human health. It is well known that the modifications made to foods such as homogenization, preservation, polishing and such alterations undermine the original value of that food. When consumed overtime, these foods can have adverse effects on the body. However, acquiring items from whole food stores ensures that you only consume certified, high quality and natural foods that guarantee good health.
Whole food stores are environmentally friendly and it is for this reason that you should buy items there. Because the foods are rarely packaged (and if so, biodegradable materials like paper are used) the problem of contaminating the environment with harmful toxic waste is eliminated. Packaging materials such as plastic polythene bags, when poorly disposed of, create an environmental hazard. Whole food stores remove this problem and emphasize their green footprint by not packaging, using organic packaging materials (if they must package) or insisting on reusing shopping bags. This ensures that the environment is spared of any kind of contamination. Waste from whole food stores is easily, safely and naturally broken down without affecting the ecosystem.
Advice on the best health food solutions is also offered at whole food stores. Often, people do not know exactly what they need for their bodies. And shopping at a whole food store would be meaningless if you did not have the proper information about what you really need for your body. Not everything acquired from a whole food store is necessarily what you need. At whole food stores, there are specialists whose job is to provide the relevant advice to customers who need it. And with regular commodity reviews, you will be sure to get the highest quality foods from whole food stores. Certification seals are normally attached to almost all items in these stores.
whole food store also gives back to the community in a number of ways. A shopper may take pride in shopping at a local store that is just not all about profit maximization but has the community's best interests as part of its brand values. The mere fact that whole food stores use biodegradable materials for packaging (that is if they must package at all) means that the community is spared of environmentally harmful litter. Emphasis by whole food stores is often put on recycling and reusing items which translates into affirmative action towards the community. Some whole food stores also donate items to individuals and institutions as part of their social responsibility.
Author of this article is associated with Acton Store who are a wholesaler and retailer of whole foods.

5 Tips on How to Grow Taller

People stop growing taller at a certain age. Usually a male stops growing when he reaches 25 years old while women often stop growing by the age of 23. However, some people wish that they could gain a few more inches or centimeters; and these figures do make a difference. Some desire to grow taller in order to feel more attractive, gain more respect, avoid teasing, and remove an inferiority complex. While there is an age limit in terms of growth, it is possible to grow a few more inches. Read on below for tips to grow taller focusing on grow taller exercises.
1. Yoga
It has been found that yoga is effective in helping stretch the muscles particularly in the spine vertebrate. Doing some poses like the cat and dog can help stretch the spine longer than the normal. Continuing to do this for practice can help add a few inches. One can seek the help of a professional yoga instructor for more advice on how to stretch the muscles and spine correctly; one can also do yoga at home. Stretching the spine is the most basic way to grow taller.
2. Hang from a Pull Up Bar
The pull up bar can be almost anything as long as you can hang from it. It can be a tree branch or simple bar. Grab the bar while allowing your body to relax without touching the floor. Inhale and exhale while relaxing. Do this between 30 to 90 seconds at least two times a day.
3. Avoid or Stop Weight Lifting
Lifting weights can prevent a child from growing in height. Young children who do it often stop growing earlier than those who do not lift weights. If lifting weights is something needed for the child for training, another alternative can be Pilates.
4. Skip
This is an exercise that many kids love doing. This exercise allows one to stretch their legs which can aid in growing. Skipping several times a day will make some improvement in your height.
5. Swimming
This aids in people growing taller because since gravity is eliminated when in the water, the bones are filled with bone tissue. As observed, many swimmers are quite tall.
Do these tips to grow taller. However, keep in mind that these grow in height exercises need to be done regularly and consistently and in the right way. No one will gain a few inches or centimeters overnight.
There are other ways besides exercise that can help you. Get the proper nutrition which is avoiding sweets and too much simple carbohydrates. Other tips in getting taller are to take multivitamins. Consult your doctor about which multivitamin may be best for you. Getting the right amount of sleep is also needed. The required number of hours is between 6 to 8.
For more information on Tips To Grow Taller, visit this website. You will find Grow Taller Exercises and professional advice so that you can get those inches that you desire.

Get Fit Now

Getting fit and having a personal training program that is uniquely accustomed for you is probably one of the hardest accomplishments, not to mention getting started training in the first place.
Getting started is also a big leap and once taken you will feel a comfort in yourself. I remember starting back myself, the first day I was ready to start I remember watching an Arnold video and don't get me wrong fitness doesn't have to be about muscles the size of Cancun, but that was my motivation in starting my journey to get fit.
Anyone will tell you off the start that fitness training is not easy. I would love to tell you that it is! In order to get the fitness look you are looking for, you will have to have a reality check with yourself. This should be done on day 1 without a doubt.
There are 2 things you must follow in order to succeed in getting the body you wish for. Yes I know only 2!!
The first one is Nutrition. OK people if you are serious in getting any results effectively watch what you eat and drink. Yes it sucks, suck it up. I mean from not drinking soft drinks, beers with the boys or girls. Eating is a big watch out as well. No McDonald's, mayonnaise, etc. I will not go into details of what not to drink and eat because that will take another article all together. Use your brain and you will be OK.
The second one is serious workouts. Now I have always seen people at the gym talking for 1 hour and training for 1 hour. I am not saying to stare at the wall and train but common, you get it. After your first week or so of exercise, every repetition of every exercise must be done to its fullest. To keep this simple, the harder you work the better results you will gain period.
Stay motivated and do not listen to anyone putting you down. A change in your routine is always a good choice after 2 weeks or so just to change things up. There are plenty of websites out there informing of new personal training programs that will keep you at the gym forever. Keep these simple rules and not only will you get the body you have always dreamed for but you will feel energetic and enjoy life the way it should be.

Four Health Benefits to Be Had From Adjustable Beds

When you buy an adjustable bed, you aren't just buying it for the next few weeks or months, you are securing some major health benefits for your later years as well. Here is a list of the top four health benefits to be had from buying an adjustable bed and some advice on how you can best utilise the facilities offered up by the beds.
1. The alleviation of back pain - When sleeping on adjustable beds, the contours of your body will more naturally match the position the mobility aid takes, meaning your back is flatter against the bed. This then prevents conditions such sciatica - a horrible condition whereby the sciatic nerve gets trapped near the base of the spine. The adjustability of the bed also means that you don't need to pile up too many pillows to support your head, thus preventing further neck or back aches.
2. For Apnea and snoring - Although snoring sounds humorous, it is no laughing matter for some people and couples in particular, with one partner suffering from little to no sleep if the other suffers from extreme cases of snoring. With an adjustable bed, users can prop themselves upright slightly, thus altering the direction of gravity so the weight of your neck does not obstruct your windpipe, which is one of the main causes of snoring. Altering your sleep position can also help in some cases of apnea - a condition where an individual wakes up intermittently throughout the night due to the stoppage of breathing. Although not beneficial in all forms of the condition, an adjustable bed can help with obstructive apnea.
3. For digestion - Processing food through your body at night is an important task the human body must go through, although it is never advisable to go to sleep on a full stomach. However, if you have eaten a few hours before you go to sleep, adjusting your bed can help encourage a healthy digestion.
4. Swelling - Elevation to prevent the pain of a sprain, pull or break of a limb is always encouraged by doctors and medical advisors. Although a stack of cushions or pillows may offer a temporary resolution, the chances are you will knock them off when shuffling in your sleep during the night. With an adjustable bed, you can provide a better and more reliable elevation for your limb and help reduce any swelling that may occur from your ailment.
These are just four of the many other benefits to having an adjustable bed, which is fast becoming the must-have item for those with mobility issues around the UK.
This article was written on behalf of Westminster Recliners by Thom Sanders. Westminster Recliners offer an array of excellent and affordable mobility aids, offering users a suitable adjustable bed or rise and recliner chair.

How Can I Achieve My Health and Fitness Goals?

Are you as healthy as you would like to be? The chances are that you are not as healthy as you would like to be based on the most recent statistics. These show that millions of people are not as healthy as they should be with two out of every three people now classified as being overweight. Plus, today's generation is less healthy than the previous one. How does this affect people? It is reflected in people experiencing a continual lack of energy, feeling extremely tired or exhausted after a little exercise or suffering from an inability to concentrate for extended periods of time. Very often there is little that your doctor can do for you because there is no specific problem or underlying cause to treat.
Often people reach a point when they have had enough and decide that they must do something about their situation. But, unless they reach this trigger point they normally continue to accept the situation. However, many people who do want to improve their health give up before they achieve the results they wanted. So, if you really want to improve your health what should you do? What is the best way to guarantee success?
Firstly is there a medical problem for your lack of fitness and health? If it is not something that you need to consult a doctor, then the first thing you need to do is accept personal responsibility for your health. This can be difficult in a world that often refuses to accept individual responsibility and looks for someone or something to blame. If you are looking to excuse your responsibility and find yourself trying to push the blame onto others you are very unlikely to achieve the health you desire.
If you are unfit it is probably caused by your life style. Once you accept responsibility for this you can then take responsibility for solving the problem. You can then start taking the required steps towards achieving your health goals.
When you think about your health goals, the first principle is to know exactly what it is you want to achieve. It has to be a specific target. You can't have a general goal of being a little bit healthier. It's too vague and you will never be sure if you reach it. Plus, at a later date you can cheat and convince yourself you are a bit better or a bit healthier.
Then, when you have selected something specific, write it down. Write it on a small card or piece of paper that you can easily carry in your bag or wallet. Every day read it two or three times a day. Continually, remind yourself about your goal.
When you write out your goal make sure that you phrase it in a positive way. Don't focus on any negativity. Your goal should be the thing that you want and not on what you don't want to have. Don't have goals that talk about having less of a problem or even about eliminating a problem. Rather, focus on a completely positive outcome.
The next way to set your goal is to write it in the present tense. Write your health goal as if you have already achieved your goal. Make "I am" statements not "I will be" statements. This is an important psychological technique and increases your chance of success.
You can make the statements even more powerful by imagining how you will feel when you achieve it. So, when you read out your goal every day, try to imagine how you will feel. Use all your senses when you do this. This is an important test of how important your health goal is. If you do not feel brilliant when you are imagining having achieved your goal it suggests that the health goal you have set is not that important to you. If it is not important then you are unlikely to take the necessary action to achieve it. Your focus and priorities will move onto something new.
It's important that you have a written goal but you need to start to take some action. A health goal will normally require a change in diet and an exercise element. So, make sure that you have a plan that you are happy with and that, with effort, will help you achieve your goal.
Becoming healthy is not something that you can expect to achieve overnight. This process is much more like a marathon than a sprint so there is no need to overdo things in the first week. Be realistic and do not expect an amazing change after only a week.
It is always encouraging if you can find someone else who is as committed to achieving this as you. You will be able to help each other.
To learn about an exciting way in which a change in your diet can play a vital part in becoming healthier follow the link below.
Changing what you eat can have a tremendously beneficial effect on your health and fitness. To discover how you can easily help yourself boost your health visit http://superfoodshealth.com

How YOU Can Combine Eating 'Mindfully' With Hypnosis To Lose Weight

For many people the idea of being able to lose weight seems to involve a lifetime of deprivation and struggle, with most often with little to show for it other than an overwhelming sense of failure. For you, that stops now. Here you will learn how you can combine the power of being mindful of your eating and the use of hypnosis to bring that frustrating cycle to and end once and for all so that you lose weight and become the slim you that you have been striving for. As someone once said "Nothing Tastes as Sweet as Slimness" and that is so true don't you think?
Creating a Healthy Body Takes Commitment
Most likely you already know what foods are good for you, what foods are not, and what poor eating habits you have that have lead to your weight gain and difficulty releasing that weight to be healthier and happier. Yet, you may feel that you lack the "willpower" to really lose weight and keep it off. It is not willpower that you need. You simply need a little help getting your subconscious mind on board to make a real change, and you need to learn a few simple strategies that will help you along the road to success. By reading this article you have shown that you are ready to make a commitment to looking and feeling your best. It doesn't matter how much you weigh or where you live, you can be helped.
Eating Mindfully Leads to Success
Overweight? You are eating too much and the wrong too much! It means that you are eating more than your body needs to sustain it. Assuming that your doctor has found you healthy, with no metabolism issues, the simple truth is that you need to eat less rubbish and more protein in order to lose, and then maintain, your weight.
The problem with many people in today's fast paced, fast food world is that too often we eat absentmindedly, without being consciously aware of what we are doing. Studies have shown that this type of eating causes us to eat far more than we normally would, as we ignore or do not recognize our bodies' cues that we are full. Thus, the first step in your commitment to lose weight needs to be becoming more mindful of your eating.
Mindfulness (which has its roots in Buddhism) is a concept that psychologists have coined to simply mean that you are consciously paying attention to your actions. Many people tend to go through much of life being unmindful, failing to pay attention to the world around them including what they eat. Thus becoming mindful of your actions is crucial in curbing your eating and becoming a healthier you. Eating mindfully draws on the use of mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness focuses our attention and our awareness on the "now", which in turn, helps us separate from habitual, unproductive and habits and activities. Mindful eating at every meal helps us discover a more rewarding relationship to food and eating, than we ever contemplated. A kind of nourishment that offers satisfaction on a very deep emotional level emerges. Remember obesity often has an emotional component to it. So how do we do this mindful eating?
Being mindful and eating consciously is as simple as it sounds - you need to be aware of your eating. This means that when you eat that is ALL you are doing: eating. You do not watch television, read the newspaper, or check your Facebook page. You simply eat, paying attention to the smell, the colours, the taste and texture of each bite. Enjoy your food. When you are mindful of your eating habits a few things happen: You enjoy your meal more, you feel full more quickly, and you make better decisions about what to eat. Here is a brief guide on "how" to eat mindfully:
Create a calm relaxing environment in which to eat. Don't eat in front of the TV, or at your desk at work because you end up bolting your food down with hardly any appreciation or awareness of what you are eating. Before you reach for that biscuit ask yourself: How do you feel? Are you comfortable, anxious, bored or maybe even feeling depressed? (Are you thirsty rather than hungry? Sometimes people confuse the two sensations). Simply recognise and accept the feeling, whatever it is, and then observe your stomach: how does it feel? It is easier to digest food and be mindful when you are relaxed. When we accept our emotions they tend to leave us feeling calmer and less likely to pick up that (oh only one won't hurt) biscuit.
Chew your food, slowly! It takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to register your stomach is full. If you eat until you FEEL full you will be in essence "overfull" or more colloquially "stuffed", and that is not mindful eating. Take your time, enjoy and savour each mouthful. Notice the temperature, aroma, texture and taste of each morsel of food that you 'place' (not shovel) into your mouth. Notice how your stomach feels more comfortable when the food is chewed thoroughly. This makes it easier on your digestive system too. Notice how much more satisfied you feel when you take the time to enjoy and savour your each mouthful of your meal. I often refer to a petrol gauge as a metaphor as a guide as to when to eat and when to stop eating.
Never allow yourself to get below "3" empty, and stop eating when you get to "7" full. If you eat till the gauge reads (feels) "10" you will have overeaten. When serving your meal, select a smaller plate and as a consequence you will decrease your portion size. But despair not because now that you are eating mindfully you will feel as full and as strange as it may seem, as if you had used a larger plate. Try leaving a little food on your plate when you have reached the 7 out of 10 point. You may have to silence that "mother voice" in your head about 'eating everything on your plate.'
It is also important to have a good amount of protein in your food choices, and that you 'graze' all day eating around 6 meals a day with every second meal a protein only "snack". So, there is an outline. You can master mindful eating in two ways. First, keep a food journal. A food journal can help you identify patterns in your eating and recognize when you might eat out of emotion rather than hunger. It can also help you see if you are eating too much junk food and lacking nutritious food. Be be conscious of what you are doing when, what and how you are eating what you are eating. Mindful eating is the first step on your journey of weight loss and maintenance. The next step is:
Hypnosis: Makes Healthy Mindful Eating Easy
Once you are committed, when you are ready to eat mindfully and truly release your excess weight, you may fear that you will not be able to overcome your cravings and the various temptations of modern, culinary life on your own, and you are probably right. But fear not - hypnosis will help.
A trained, experienced hypnotist can work with you to stop those cravings and to ensure your ongoing weight loss success. While hypnosis is not magic, some people think that it works in a magical way, and they are amazed at the results they achieve, effortlessly. When you are "in hypnosis" the hypnotist will talk directly to your subconscious, acknowledging the problems that you have had losing weight in the past and the eating habits subsequently developed. The hypnotist will tell your subconscious to release you from the cravings, the anxiety, and the unhealthy choices, and encourage your subconscious to make smart dietary decisions. When you emerge from hypnosis, you may not feel any different, other than perhaps a bit relaxed. But you will immediately notice that your cravings change. No longer will you crave salt, sweets, or your other indulgences. Instead, your body will crave healthy foods in the right proportions. With the power of hypnosis working together with your commitment and your understanding of the need to eat mindfully you will find the road to your ideal weight an easy one to walk. Start releasing weight Today. No Matter where You Live You can do it most easily with the support of someone skilled in the art of hypnosis.
The Author is a fully registered Psychologist based in Cairns, Australia with 30 years experience. and his practice. He uses hypnosis extensively in his work as it helps people achieve their goals quickly and easily. He has used Skye technology for some years with great success on a range of issues including weight release and stopping people from smoking. http://www.seachangepsychology.com.au

Creating a Wellness Plan

When a New Year takes hold, it is always beneficial to reflect upon where you have been as well as look ahead to where you want to go. I was raised to always have a strategy for my life whether it be in the form of a one-year, five-year or ten-year plan. So as not to flounder, it's always useful to have a plan, especially when it comes to your wellness.
In business, planning often occurs annually with quarterly check-in's to make sure all is on track. Typical plans include consideration of budgets, manpower, time, priorities, etc. Have you ever thought about your personal annual budget, the amount of time you really want to work versus spend with family and friends, your true priorities in life, a food budget for your nutritional goals, an exercise budget for your fitness goals, etc.?
What would happen if you practiced the same technique for your personal life? What if you planned out your year in advance and once a quarter checked in with yourself to make sure you're still headed where you want? Could this simple act help reduce stress because you're practicing proactive versus reactive behavior? Could it set you up for success and better health because you're following a path you've chosen versus taking one you thought was expected?
The quality of your wellness today is in direct correlation to the choices you made in the past. The choices you make today and onward will determine your future wellness. When you choose to plan and then make the conscious choice to act on your plan, you will manifest your intentions and live in wellness now.
Five Steps to a Successful Wellness Plan:
1. Vision: What is your vision for your wellness? Take some time to list what you most desire to achieve and/or experience with your wellness. Try dividing this list into sections: Overall lifestyle, Medical, Nutritional, Fitness, and Spiritual.
2. Intentions: Pulling from your Vision List, specify intentions for your personal wellness that you will accomplish over the next 12 months.
3. Values: Prioritize the values you will be honoring by bringing your intentions to fruition.
4. SMART Plan: What goals and objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) must be achieved in order to fulfill your intentions without compromising your values?
5. Actions/Tasks: Create a prioritized list of action-oriented tasks to complete your intentions for the year. Break them down into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly segments. Check in regularly to ensure you're on your chosen path. If not, adjust and continue. If so, congratulate yourself and keep moving forward!!

Give Yourself a New Glow

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to give yourself a new glow, you may want to consider an easy nonsurgical cosmetic procedure. A med spa may just be the New Year's treat you need. Under the care of a licensed medical doctor, a med spa offers relaxing and renewing spa services to make you glow in the new year.
Cosmeceuticals, which are medical grade skin care products, improve the structure and function of your skin. These products are only available by a doctor's prescription and contain unique ingredients to improve the overall health of your skin. The bioactive ingredients contained in cosmeceuticals actually transform skin and improves its structure and appearance. The results are a radiating glow.
A professional exfoliation treatment such as a chemical peel or a microdermabrasion treatment with SilkPeel are skin rejuvenation treatments that stimulate cell growth and collagen synthesis to give skin a fresher, smoother, renewed glow. Microdermabrasion with SilkPeel exfoliates the skin using medical grade diamonds combined with skin-specific solutions deep into the skin to renew skin health. Professional medicalchemical peels and microdermabrasion with SilkPeel are safe and natural ways to exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin.
Injectables such as Botox, Dysport, or Juvederm are popular for reducing fine lines and wrinkles and giving your skin a smoother, more youthful look. Aging causes the skin to lose underlying fat and collagen in the face and hands, which in turn causes sagging and wrinkles. Wrinkles may be an unavoidable part of the aging process but you can take action to reduce the signs of aging and restore your skin to a more youthful glow. Dermal fillers are popular, nonsurgical cosmetic procedures that can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and create volume and fullness in your face and hands for a youthful more radiant glow.
Aging causes laugh lines, smile lines, smoker's lines, marionette lines and other harsh lines that can increase the appearance of age. Yet, sometimes aging can also cause a loss of skin tissue or a hollowness that can be filled with a dermal filler. Indeed, dermal fillers can also be used to enhance cheekbones, eyebrows, lips, chins, jaw lines, and even hands.
The beauty with dermal fillers and other nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are that they are virtually quick, pain-less, and cost effective treatments to help you look like the million bucks you deserve. Your best friend is sure to wonder where you got your New Year's glow.
Learn more information about chemical peels Pittsburgh and spa Pittsburgh at: http://feelnu.com/

4 Healthy Resolutions for 2013 (That You Can Keep) To Change Your Life

It's the New Year. This is the time to put our best foot forward and make 2013 the best year yet. It often feels like the time to start something new or make big changes in our lives that will propel us to be the best possible versions of ourselves. But if we start every year with the same aspirations, why is it that by May (or March) we're hanging up the towel until November when we start planning out our big move for the next January 1st? Big, broad resolutions, while ambitious, are often difficult to keep without a well laid out plan. And one slip, leads to another, leads to "maybe next year".
If your goal is to be healthier in 2013 than you were in 2012 (and that is a GREAT goal that everyone should have, in my opinion), then I'm here to help. Here are 4 Healthy Resolutions that are easy to track on a daily basis and are sure to improve your life in 2013.
Healthy Resolution #1: Stretch It Out
This simple resolution is skipped by so many. Everyone wants to increase their cardio or lift more weights, but without proper stretching, injuries are sure to occur and throw you off your fitness path. Adding five minutes of stretching per day to your activity will go a long way to improving your health. Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles and surrounding tissues. It also helps to remove metabolic waste products created when the muscles are used on a regular basis, which reduces chronic muscle soreness and pain.
Keys to maximizing stretching:
1. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Although I love yoga programs, when you are simply stretching at the end of a workout, the key is to target your muscles groups as efficiently as possible. There is no need for long drawn out stretches on a daily basis, simply hold those stretches for 5-10 seconds and then move on to another area. The nice thing about a short stretch is that you have time to come back and repeat the stretch 2 or 3 times.
2. Customize your stretching. Everyone is built differently and has different occupational demands. An individual who sits at a desk for 8 hours a day will not need the same stretches as someone who is on their feet all day. The best way to target your areas of muscle tension is to ask your chiropractor. He evaluates your body on every visit and can help to identify areas of imbalance and the stretches that will be most beneficial for your lifestyle. If you do not or have never seen a chiropractor, but are contemplating adding stretching to your fitness routine, maybe this is the year to see what health goals you can achieve through chiropractic care.
3. Pick your time! The easiest way to make your stretching a habit is to pick a time that makes the most sense with your schedule. Maybe it is after dinner, during your favorite TV show, or first thing in the morning after you brush your teeth. If you correlate your stretching with a specific daily task, it will be that much easier to make stretching your next health habit.
Healthy Resolution #2: Bag of Veg
Many of us want to "lose weight" for the New Year. That is an excellent goal. However, if you do not instill the daily habits to keep that healthy weight, then what you have lost is sure to return after your "weight loss program" is complete.
Anyone can lose 20 pounds, but losing 20 and keeping it off for a year or two; that is worth talking about! Adding a bag of vegetables per day is an easy daily habit that anyone can keep. All it takes is a quart size bag and some chopped raw vegetables. One cup of raw vegetables is considered one serving. One quart would give you 4 servings of vegetables. The recommended daily intake for fruits and vegetables is 9-15 servings. Filling up the quart size bag and snacking on it throughout the day will fill your stomach, curb any cravings, balance your blood sugar, keep your bowels regular, and give you the nutrients your body needs be healthy and energized.
Keep your bag colorful and mix it up. Some of my favorites are carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, celery, and beets. If you cannot eat raw vegetables without adding a little flavor, try almond butter, organic hummus, or an organic vinaigrette dressing. Just be sure to watch the serving size.
Healthy Resolution #3: Be a Picky Drinker
Yes this one is obvious, but we all must drink more WATER. Nearly half of all people mistake dehydration cravings for hunger, which leads to excessive calorie intake and weight gain. Many people mistakenly count their entire fluid intake towards their daily water intake. When you consume sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages, they are actually dehydrating your body. There are only two beverages that I count toward my daily water intake, WATER and freshly brewed unsweetened TEA (not to be more than 20 oz. per day). Fresh squeezed lemon is the best way to zest up those two choices. Staying hydrated will decrease pain levels, help with mental clarity, maintain energy levels, provide healthy cell communication, and optimal muscle contraction (think heart and gut).
How much should you drink? The old 8 cups per day is a good start because most people do not even get that much. However, I recommend 1 oz of water for every kilogram of body weight. To get that number take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2 (i.e. A 200 lb. person should drink 90 ounces of water per day). The easiest way to be sure you are getting your proper water intake is to have a water bottle on your person at all times. If you know the size of your bottle, than you know how many of that container you need to hit your goal. You should be going to the "john" one time every 1-2 hours if you are properly hydrated. Just remember, "if you see white, you're alright - if you see yellow, you're a sick fellow."
Healthy Resolution #4: Less Complaints, More Compliments
We all do it because we are human, but that does not make complaining OK. If you want to be healthier, one of the first things you need to do is stop complaining about where you are right now. It is great that you want to change, but in order to change something about your life, you must first change your mind. There is a universal law called the Law of Attraction and it simply says that you will attract into your life what you focus on the most. Mathew 13-12 says, "To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Complaining begets more complaining and leads to a life of anxiety, stress, and disease.
How do we stop complaining? First, we need to count our blessings daily. After love, gratitude is the most powerful emotion in the world. Create a "Blessing Board" where you have a collage of all the people, places, events, and things you are thankful for in your life. It may start small, but trust me if you take 2 minutes a day to stand in front of it with gratitude, you will watch how it grows before your very eyes. Second, you may want to wear a bracelet. The process behind the bracelet is that every time you express a complaint, you must switch the band to your other wrist. Try going 21 days without switching the bracelet and see how your life and others around you is transformed. Check out http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org for more information. Finally, remember to envision the final destination. Whether you are trying to lose weight, pay off debt, or grow a relationship, there are many trials that will test you throughout your journey. Focus on the end result and be grateful for every trial you must overcome to achieve it.
These simple resolutions are ones that I have implemented into my own life throughout my years of practice. They may seem small, but I know they will lead you to a healthier and happier 2013. Every decision you make takes you one step closer to health or one step closer to sickness. Small changes in the right direction make a big difference. Commit to these 4 Healthy Resolutions and make 2013 YOUR YEAR!
If you are interested in health and wellness, please visit our website http://www.turofamilychiropractic.com for more information. If you'd like to schedule a consultation with the doctor, you can reach our office at 412-369-0400.