Pregnancy Week 20 Development: What To Expect And One Beneficial Food

Congratulations! You have now reached the halfway of your pregnancy. In the next weeks to come, you should expect more amazing changes to take place in and out of your body. Your baby is growing at such an impressive rate. In fact, it has now grown into a size that everyone could almost notice your pregnancy.
The Baby's Development on Week 20
If you are anxious and excited about your baby's gender, now is the best time to have an ultrasound. A second trimester ultrasound can be administered from week 18 to week 22.
If you are having a baby girl, you should know that by this time, her uterus has now fully developed and her ovaries contain more than 7 million primitive eggs. Meanwhile, if you're having a baby boy, his testicles have now descended from the abdomen to the scrotum. Beginning this week, you may start feeling the acrobatic movement of the foetus.
What Can You Expect This Week
At Week 20, there are still lots of pregnancy symptoms that occur. First, vaginal discharge is still present and as days pass, its volume increases. As the baby begins to crowd in your body, heartburn and digestion come very often. Also, shortness of breath happens due to the expansion of the uterus.
Mild swelling and leg cramps are still present. Make sure to drink plenty of water and do some stretches to prevent the legs from cramping. On the other hand, mild swelling shouldn't really be a major concern during pregnancy. It eventually diminishes after delivery. Surprisingly, your energy and libido increases beginning this week.
Due to the surge of pregnancy hormones in your body, you can notice that your hair is getting thicker and fuller. Also, your nails can turn brittle, dry and stronger. Some pregnant women report symptoms such as occasional headaches, dizziness and faintness during this time.
A Healthy Diet For A Healthy Pregnancy
Since time immemorial, it has always been the desire of every pregnant woman to give their baby the best possible health. Maintaining a healthy diet throughout the course of pregnancy is considered as one of the most effective ways to help your baby obtain the best health possible.
Eating cantaloupe during pregnancy can definitely help in giving you a healthy pregnancy. Cantaloupe contains lots of vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are very beneficial to pregnant women and to their babies.
Cantaloupe for Pregnancy
Belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, cantaloupe is a ground-growing oval fruit which contains seeds. Its yellow flesh is naturally soft and when ripe, it has a husky smell.
As mentioned earlier, cantaloupe contains high levels of vital nutrients which provide lots of healthy benefits to the body. In fact, cantaloupe is considered as one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy. It is packed with 19 vitamins and other minerals with minimal amount of calories per serving.
Apart from being an excellent source of dietary fibre, cantaloupe is also fortified with Vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, Vitamin C, carotenes and potassium. As commonly known, intake of folic acid in pregnant women is beneficial in preventing the onset of neural tube defects. Meanwhile, its Vitamin A and beta-carotene content is useful in optimizing eye health.
Its Vitamin C helps in boosting the immune system of the body which enables it to fight against infections. It also helps in scavenging free radicals which is one of the major risk factors for cancer. The fruit actually contains lots of antioxidants which help in preventing the onset of heart diseases and cancer. Also, Vitamin C is useful in regenerating the Vitamin E in the body which have become inactive.
Cantaloupe delivers high levels of proteins which are useful in maintaining healthy nails, hair and skin. Cantaloupe is also a good source of potassium, a mineral which plays a vital role in regulating the balance of fluids and minerals in the body. It helps in regulating digestion, muscle function, energy and blood pressure.
According to research, intake of cantaloupe is beneficial to people of all ages. The fruit contains nutrients which are useful in treating and preventing the onset of diseases such as insomnia, menstrual problems, high cholesterol, cataracts, stroke, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, water retention, stress and menstrual cramps.
Find FREE expert information about the progress of your baby in the twentieth week of your pregnancy, on the blog of Merrion Fetal Health. The ultrasound clinic in Dublin has long years of experience in providing state of the art pregnancy scans.

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