4 Simple Healthy Steps to Saving Time

In these times everyone wants, and perhaps needs to, save time and money - right? As Olivia, a client of mine, once said "I have been able to save so much money these past 2 months by simply bringing my lunch to work and by not picking up unhealthy afternoon snacks from the vending machine - that I've actually saved enough money to go on a weekend trip to Catalina with friends." Or how about Vicky's comments: "My husband and I stopped going out to restaurants - instead of 3x- /week it's maybe once or twice and sometimes not at all! I saved enough money to go on a shopping spree so I can buy some new clothes. Since I have gone down 2 dress sizes, I am rewarding myself in very different ways now."
You see - eating within a caloric "budget" can prevent overeating or choosing the wrong things to eat. Eating, fresh, clean, whole and green just makes good sense and makes you feel so good about yourself. I encourage you to try as much as possible to stay away from foods that come in bags, boxes and any other types of packaging as they will cost your waistline and your pocketbook much more in the long run. There's not a lot of nutritional value in packaged foods, unfortunately, certainly nothing like the value you would find in real whole foods. Eating out less and eating at home more let's you have more control over what and how much you eat. I often hear clients mention they eat less when they go out to dinner and more when they are at home. And I also hear the exact opposite from others. The bottom line is to identify your trigger foods and environments and then manage them appropriately and you may need expert help with this piece of puzzle.
Here are 4 Simple and Healthy ways to Save...
#1 Be good to yourself. Don't beat yourself up if you are not behaving perfectly - you were not put on this earth to be a robot and to do everything by the book. You are here to experience, learn and to get comfortable with yourself and your own skin. Being hard on yourself can waste valuable time and energy. Eating balanced and healthy meals can actually help improve your self confidence and self esteem.
#2 Eat your greens. By this I mean - eating fresh fruits and vegetables - any and all are good for you! Natural enzymes are still intact when you eat fresh and from local growers. Visiting your local Farmers Markets or growing your own is also more cost effective and you will be benefiting from the rich inherent nutrients in the foods themselves. It helps to maintain good health when you are getting the most out of what you are eating.
#3 Create a calm, peaceful and nurturing environment when eating. This may be a difficult feat in our fast paced world but it's essential to at least attempt to eliminate as many distractions as possible when eating. Turn off the TV, play beautiful music in the background, respect your food and give thanks. I know, I know - not a simple feat - but allow me to plant some seeds for your next meal. A relaxed environment will create better digestion and save on possible problems like acid reflux, overeating (and thus weight gain) and bloating.
#4 What about Vitamin L? Yes, Vitamin Love absolutely but let's not forget about the other Vitamin L - Laughter! An often overlooked health habit laughter is just plain good medicine for the body and soul and needs to be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. Debilitating diseases have often been eliminated due to this one simple ingredient. Yes, laughing or lack of it can be a habit. Finding things to make you laugh, be light and happy - it can be as economical as watching a funny movie on TV versus an intense crime filled 
(c) Monika Klein
Monika Klein, BS, CN. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the "Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach." Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika's services and programs, visit http://www.coachingforhealth.com.

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