Healthcare Is Not Medical Care

That's my experience. After I was board-certified in internal medicine and had a fellowship in cardiology, I became Assistant Professor of Health Science at Loma Linda University, 1974-78.
It was then that the Dean, Mervyn Hardinge, Dr. of Public Health (Harvard) said, "They are starting to call medical care, "healthcare."
35+ years later, "healthcare" means medical care to virtually everyone, but medical care usually has little to do with real healthcare, and it is often inversely related. The more you see the doctor and take the prescriptions, the sicker you are likely to be because the drugs don't address the underlying causes of most conditions.
What's the cause of most dis-ease? Doing executie physicals, one man said that sugar bothered his joints. Another said cheese bothered his joints. A third said that meat bothered his joints. They were smart men and they realized what most people don't--that if we were born normal and later develop a problem, we did it to ourselves by what we put in our mouths.
The Door to Illness
Our bodies are built from the food we eat. As computer programmers say, if it's garbage in, it's garbage out--for years until the body can no longer eliminate the poisons and then we get sick. If we ask our doctor, we're likely to get a prescription for relief of symptoms but we usually come away with no better idea of the cause. And sooner or later we become toxic to the pill that relieves our symptoms.
Then we need a second prescription to help our symptoms from the first prescription. Soon we have a bag of pills that affect our appetite, mental clarity and enjoyment of life.
As Ronald Reagan said, "The most terrifying words are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." To force medical care with its high risk of adverse reactions on the elderly when they are already at high risk of confusion is like surgery for those who don't need it--an unkindest cut.
While it's a bonanza for the drug companies, it's disaster for those who are living marginally and who need all the mental clarity they can muster for coping. It would be far better if people would never start the merry-go-round of drugs for symptoms. If they changed their diet, they might be able discover what's causing their symptoms.
We might be like the executives above, able to discern what causes our symptoms if we left out things that we might be eating too mch of or abusing. Usually 5 to 7 days is necessary to tell a difference.
Several excellent aids to self-healthcare are offered at low cost by Dr. Ruhling at including one of the best dvds on how to reverse disease by eating.

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