Impact of The "60 Minutes" Connection Between Sugar and Our Most Common Health Problems

If you are anything like me, the April 1, 2012 segment on CBS "60 Minutes" detailing emerging science on the link between heart disease and sugar, made me feel somewhat dismayed about the eating advice we have all received in our lives.
When you look at the high level of processed foods in our diets as Americans you will inevitably also see too much processed sugars in the from of table sugar or corn syrup. For years no point was made about these substances in our high consumption of breads, processed grains, and pastas. The result has been extremely high levels of what I call indirect sugars in our daily diets.
If what "60 Minutes" was saying is true, bad sugar is everywhere and studies are linking sugar to not just the standard things like obesity, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes, but now heart disease and now even cancer.
The point of this article is to discuss the observable impact of what the "60 Minutes" report is saying, take a stab at what is to come next in the science of the sugar-disease connection, and to provide a short suggestion list for people who are wanting to stay out front of the issue in their own lives by making some fundamental changes in what they are eating.
My belief is that in say a generation, we will look back and be dismayed but also hopeful because things we used to eat a lot of, we'll be eating much less of. Progress happens incrementally and at a glacial pace. The changes in what we eat will coincide with and perhaps drive new buying choices. When it becomes more economically feasible for the supplier and producers of our general food supply to provide healthier options, it will happen.
In the meantime, seeing evolved and improved consumer choices is a matter of repetition of message and continuous discussion. The way I see it, if this is the first time you have heard of the "60 Minutes" story, and you watch it from links provided in this story, my mission is accomplished.
So before reading on, I invite you to check out the April 1, 2012 report "Is Sugar Toxic" from CBS News Online. Also to lay the groundwork for the deep importance of curtailing sugar consumption in your life, the following article from the New York Daily News which alludes to the work being done showing how some cancers feed off processed sugar.
It is my firm belief that there is more information to come which will further illuminate the link between sugar and cancer. The "60 Minutes" report makes a great point that a lot of this science is arriving seemingly so late because food studies require large amounts of time and administrative oversight to be properly conducted. In other words, they are expensive. In most cases the bulk of food studies have been done for marketing purposes and are sponsored by major corporate food sellers.
--What Have I Noticed As Far as Changing Behaviors in People Since the April 1, 2012 60 Minutes Report?
There are two things that have sprung to mind as I contemplate this question. First, I haven't heard wide discussion about the report which I find dismaying. We're talking about a very popular news program breaking a huge story on what scientists are saying about the persistent dangers in our diets. My feeling is that currently most people lack a solid foundation in how sugar shows up in our foods, particularly regarding processed foods which may not be thought of as sugary like whole grains and wheat breads for instance.
However on the positive, I have heard the issue of the dangers of eating processed sugar discussed more than before April 1. These discussions are usually among people who I already knew to be health conscious. The reality is that this group of people doesn't comprise a large percentage of the total adults in our general population. Still, awareness is awareness and more discussion, even better yet.
--What Do I Feel the Future Holds for the Sugar and Major Diseases Connection?
The way food is made in currently made factories is ultimately doomed. It may take 50 years, but it is doomed. We will eventually be eating less processed sugar and preservative laced foods then we do now by a large percentage. I don't even think it will be a matter of choice. The emerging science will be so graphic about the dangers of many of the things we currently eat a lot of, that they will be greatly restricted if not outlawed by regulators. I am talking specifically about white flour, processed sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup being a prime example), and table salt (aka, the three white poisons.
--Some Suggestions About What We Can Do To Establish Good Health Habits To Limit Dietary Sugar
I say keep it simple. Here's three things you can do. First, slash your consumption of any and all processsed foods by 80%. You don't have to quit cold turkey and you actually don't even want to try. 80% will have huge health benefits. Then work on incremental improvement from that baseline.
Next, replace each processed food choice you would have eaten with a natural alternative. Substitute the frozen dinner with the petite steak or chicken breast. Substitute the "low-fat" cookie with some fruit and honey. Don't worry about calories or volume, worry about content of the food.
Finally, notice how much better you feel during those first 10 days. You should feel more alert, lighter on your feet, and your clothes should fit better. Health is a journey and making small improvements over a long period of time will keep you from having to sway with the wind of the next health fad or discovery. You'll be ready for whatever comes next because you are doing it the right way to begin with.
Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at her blog. Check out a recent article here: Cheryl and her associates have been writing extensively on the "Three Desired Body Outcomes" and particular suggestions for people to reach the one they want. So check it out!

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