Revisions for Breast Implants Can Happen

Often times, breast implants are put into place without problems. Many women will enjoy the way they look for years to come with their new volume and overall shape. Later on, though, you may decide that you want to make a change. Some women want to be larger while others want to be smaller. Some may need to have a revision to this original procedure to fix the location or other problems related to the original implant. Your cosmetic surgeon can help you to make the decision about whether or not to have an additional procedure. If you do, you'll find it can be easier than the first since you know what to expect.
Why Would You Need This?
There are many reasons that breast implants may need revision at a later time. Though most women want to have just one procedure and that is it, it may be time to take into consideration this risk when having the procedure. It could be that your original procedure is botched. Something went wrong. You can help to avoid this by simply being healthy and choosing a well-qualified doctor. However, problems can happen. You may find that it is necessary to have this procedure years later as well, due to capsular contracture. Some women have problems with nipple sensitivity or a loss of sensitivity. Others struggle with rupture, which occurs if the implant itself breaks open.
What Happens If You Need This Help?
If you need to have a second procedure, your doctor will talk to you about the options. In some cases, you will be able to have a procedure that removes the old implant and puts in a new one. In other cases, it may not be possible to have a new one put into place. Your doctor will be able to help you to decide if you want to go forward or if you want to simply remove them.
Should You Worry?
Even if you do need to have a revision, the risks are no more than what you've already experienced. If you are healthy and take care of yourself after the procedure, you will reduce a great deal of risk and improve your overall well-being. It may or may not be something that your doctor did that caused it. There's no need to worry.
As you take into consideration the options for you, talk to your doctor about these concerns as soon as possible. Breast implants are safe and there are rarely any problems with this procedure. However, if you find that you do need some help your doctor will be able to give you advice on how to move ahead.
Have you been thinking about getting Little rock breast implants? Visit the wonderful staff at and schedule your consultation right now.

What Is Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular dystrophy is one of the most popular disorders directly affecting the muscles. It is very common yet a lot of people do not seem to be familiar with it. If you are wondering what this disorder is all about, some important facts are written below.
What is muscular dystrophy? This is a disorder that affects the muscles by making them weak. When your muscles become weak, it will be difficult for you to move. It is degenerative because it prevents the muscles from growing. Experts believe that this condition is hereditary and has something to do with your genes. Some people have genes that do not allow the body to produce sufficient amount of protein for the muscles. When your muscles do not get protein, they become weak and they start to get damaged.
What are the symptoms? Symptoms of muscular dystrophy usually appear early in life. However, for some, it could appear much later. Symptoms include weakening of the muscles and difficulty in getting up after sitting or lying on the bed. Some people may also experiencing frequent falls and difficult in running.
There are many types and categories of muscular dystrophy. One type is known as the limb-girdle disorder which generally affects your hips and shoulders. When you have this type, it will be difficult for you to lift your legs or hands. You may also experiencing tripping often as your body will have a difficult time controlling your feet's movements. The other type is known as the congenital muscle dystrophy. This type is usually detected very early in life - as early as 2 years old. It can progress slowly or quickly depending on the person. The next type is the oculopharyngeal type. From its name, you can already assume that it affects the eyes and the throat. People who have this type of muscular dystrophy experience weakness of the eye muscles. The neck and throat muscles are also affected so it is very difficult to eat and swallow food and drinks. The symptoms, however, can appear very late in life - around the age of 50.
There are risk factors involved in muscular dystrophy. Because it is genetic in nature, you will have a higher chance of getting this disorder if anyone in your family has experienced it. According to some studies, men are more susceptible to experience this condition than women.
If you notice that your muscles or your child's muscles are becoming particularly weak, you should immediately contact your doctor. Your doctor will help you prevent the condition from affecting the other muscles in your body. He will also be able to suggest treatments and self-care tips. It is very important to deal with this problem immediately because it can put your life in danger. For instance, if it affects the muscles of your face, you may not be able to eat or breathe properly. There are certain medications that can slow down the degeneration of the muscles. For serious cases, breathing assistance may be given to the patient.
Hi. I'm Karen. Ever since my friend introduced me to osteopathy, I've been a huge fan. My osteopathy practitioner helps me get back on track when I visit. This has inspired me to understand more about my body and how I can get the best from it.

Do I Need Nutritional Supplements?

Food has always provided humans with all the nourishment they needed. What is the problem today?
There are several problems, actually. Let's start with food adulteration and refinement. In centuries past, humans have either gathered or hunted their food - going to the grocery store wasn't an option. Most people assume that everything edible in the store is food, and that is simply not the case.
We have plastics masquerading as fats, for heaven's sake! Margarine, anyone? We have powders containing who-knows-what masquerading as eggs, broth, cheese, etc. We have breads doused with chemicals that can sit on a shelf for weeks. We have liquids that dissolve teeth being the most popular drinks. I could go on, but it's too painful. And I haven't even touched the GMO issue!
An educated shopper can weave through the fake foods and land on the organic section. All seems well, right? Do you know how many feet of soil that food was grown on? You don't? Then we have a problem. When western civilization landed on the American continent, the land was covered with several feet of rich soil. It was so deep that the plow would sink and get stuck in it. Whatever seed was dropped on it turned into a plant.
What is left today in most places is about six inches of soil, and nobody knows for how long such a thin layer will be able to support life, especially at the rate most of it is being doused with chemicals. The point is, if your food (plants and the animals that eat those plants) comes from unpolluted, deep soil, and you are eating all the foods your ancestors ate, congratulations - you don't need to supplement.
Why do I mention the foods your ancestors ate? Because we have become as refined as our foods. Think of foods your grandparents loved, such as animal organs, and you are totally grossed out. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that the biological need has gone away.
Even when we eat 100% organic food, we are not getting the nutrient density that was present decades ago. For example, the amount of iron that was present in one cup of spinach decades ago now takes sixty five cups of spinach. The amount of food we would have to consume today to get the same quantity of nutrients we used to get is staggering and impossible to achieve for most of us.
Compounding the problem is the ever increasing load of chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, cosmetics, vaccines, drugs, food additives, etc.) our bodies have to deal with, which causes nutrient depletion in the attempt to neutralize them. That means we need a lot more nutrients now than we did several decades ago, or even just a few years ago, but are getting less.
How do we go about making up for the lost nutrient density of our foods? It seems logical that the more we concentrate the food, the greater its nutrient density. The problem is then in the method, because any drastic measures (extreme temperatures, chemicals, etc.) destroy intricate living processes in the foods. Unfortunately, it is quite easy to turn a living food into an inert substance, but impossible to reverse it.
The solution is in both, eating living organic foods as much as possible, and supplementing with equally living supplements. Unfortunately, most supplements are synthetic, creating a greater problem for the body. If they boast high potency, large number of units of measurement, and a list of ingredients that are not real food, you are not getting real vitamins, but just impostors - no matter the brand name. We must be detectives and find out how supplements are made before we purchase them.
For personal consultations regarding the health, nutrition, and supplementation for you and your animals, the author can be reached through her website at
Her latest book The Forbidden Truth About Vitamins is available at and other booksellers

Impact of The "60 Minutes" Connection Between Sugar and Our Most Common Health Problems

If you are anything like me, the April 1, 2012 segment on CBS "60 Minutes" detailing emerging science on the link between heart disease and sugar, made me feel somewhat dismayed about the eating advice we have all received in our lives.
When you look at the high level of processed foods in our diets as Americans you will inevitably also see too much processed sugars in the from of table sugar or corn syrup. For years no point was made about these substances in our high consumption of breads, processed grains, and pastas. The result has been extremely high levels of what I call indirect sugars in our daily diets.
If what "60 Minutes" was saying is true, bad sugar is everywhere and studies are linking sugar to not just the standard things like obesity, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes, but now heart disease and now even cancer.
The point of this article is to discuss the observable impact of what the "60 Minutes" report is saying, take a stab at what is to come next in the science of the sugar-disease connection, and to provide a short suggestion list for people who are wanting to stay out front of the issue in their own lives by making some fundamental changes in what they are eating.
My belief is that in say a generation, we will look back and be dismayed but also hopeful because things we used to eat a lot of, we'll be eating much less of. Progress happens incrementally and at a glacial pace. The changes in what we eat will coincide with and perhaps drive new buying choices. When it becomes more economically feasible for the supplier and producers of our general food supply to provide healthier options, it will happen.
In the meantime, seeing evolved and improved consumer choices is a matter of repetition of message and continuous discussion. The way I see it, if this is the first time you have heard of the "60 Minutes" story, and you watch it from links provided in this story, my mission is accomplished.
So before reading on, I invite you to check out the April 1, 2012 report "Is Sugar Toxic" from CBS News Online. Also to lay the groundwork for the deep importance of curtailing sugar consumption in your life, the following article from the New York Daily News which alludes to the work being done showing how some cancers feed off processed sugar.
It is my firm belief that there is more information to come which will further illuminate the link between sugar and cancer. The "60 Minutes" report makes a great point that a lot of this science is arriving seemingly so late because food studies require large amounts of time and administrative oversight to be properly conducted. In other words, they are expensive. In most cases the bulk of food studies have been done for marketing purposes and are sponsored by major corporate food sellers.
--What Have I Noticed As Far as Changing Behaviors in People Since the April 1, 2012 60 Minutes Report?
There are two things that have sprung to mind as I contemplate this question. First, I haven't heard wide discussion about the report which I find dismaying. We're talking about a very popular news program breaking a huge story on what scientists are saying about the persistent dangers in our diets. My feeling is that currently most people lack a solid foundation in how sugar shows up in our foods, particularly regarding processed foods which may not be thought of as sugary like whole grains and wheat breads for instance.
However on the positive, I have heard the issue of the dangers of eating processed sugar discussed more than before April 1. These discussions are usually among people who I already knew to be health conscious. The reality is that this group of people doesn't comprise a large percentage of the total adults in our general population. Still, awareness is awareness and more discussion, even better yet.
--What Do I Feel the Future Holds for the Sugar and Major Diseases Connection?
The way food is made in currently made factories is ultimately doomed. It may take 50 years, but it is doomed. We will eventually be eating less processed sugar and preservative laced foods then we do now by a large percentage. I don't even think it will be a matter of choice. The emerging science will be so graphic about the dangers of many of the things we currently eat a lot of, that they will be greatly restricted if not outlawed by regulators. I am talking specifically about white flour, processed sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup being a prime example), and table salt (aka, the three white poisons.
--Some Suggestions About What We Can Do To Establish Good Health Habits To Limit Dietary Sugar
I say keep it simple. Here's three things you can do. First, slash your consumption of any and all processsed foods by 80%. You don't have to quit cold turkey and you actually don't even want to try. 80% will have huge health benefits. Then work on incremental improvement from that baseline.
Next, replace each processed food choice you would have eaten with a natural alternative. Substitute the frozen dinner with the petite steak or chicken breast. Substitute the "low-fat" cookie with some fruit and honey. Don't worry about calories or volume, worry about content of the food.
Finally, notice how much better you feel during those first 10 days. You should feel more alert, lighter on your feet, and your clothes should fit better. Health is a journey and making small improvements over a long period of time will keep you from having to sway with the wind of the next health fad or discovery. You'll be ready for whatever comes next because you are doing it the right way to begin with.
Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at her blog. Check out a recent article here: Cheryl and her associates have been writing extensively on the "Three Desired Body Outcomes" and particular suggestions for people to reach the one they want. So check it out!

What Dirty Little Secrets the Celebs Forget to Mention About Their Dramatic Weight Loss

Expectation - you can blame the media and advertising for this one, you know how the headlines go... "Celeb loses fifteen pounds in fifteen days" (no doubt on the Peruvian monkey nut diet with nuts picked by caring hand reared Peruvian monkeys) but what celeb X fails to mention is that they also have a personal trainer, dietician, and no doubt a chef as well... and their photo has been airbrushed to within an inch of its life. So you think, "I will have a go at the Peruvian monkey nut diet", and surprise, surprise you don't get the same results and feel like a failure and potentially start another round of the weight loss - weight gain cycle. But my friend, Take solace in the knowledge that in another fifteen days celeb X - will be in the media with the headline "celeb X falls off wagon" and puts on another fifteen pounds in twenty days, with a nice photograph of them looking like something that got washed up on a beach.
Do not waste your time following this illusive dream, because that's all it is, an imaginary image that bears no resemblance to reality served up to sell magazines.
When we make comparisons with ourselves and other people it can only lead to unhappiness, think about it there are seven billion other people on this planet, so there will always be somebody somewhere that is slimmer than you, better looking than you, has more money than you.
By the same token you will be slimmer than someone else, better looking than someone else, and have more money than someone else.
Continually obsessing on what other people have or haven't will inevitably trigger an emotional response, which you will try to smother with food, it's a form of self-medication to make yourself feel better.
My challenge to you is to have a look into your own life and see where you are making these comparisons and how much they are helping you, it doesn't have to be a celebrity you are comparing yourself to it might even be a sibling, it doesn't matter as it will have the same damaging effect.
Decide today that you are a one-off original; even an identical twin isn't you, so stop living in someone else's shadow.
If you are constantly comparing yourself to others you are in effect telling yourself that you are not good enough, if you have read this article thoroughly then you already know where you will turn to smother that emotion that you inevitably will trigger.
Are You Fed Up Being Overweight? So Was I. My name is Grahame Cossum and I am the creator of the Weight Loss Made Easy program, I was 60lbs overweight following a serious accident until I created and implemented my unique weight loss program, I have now helped countless others to do the same. Please visit

Thermoregulation and Weight Loss

A short article on another factor that we humans take for granted, but we never had the luxury of, when we were running barefoot in the fields hunting large mammals. Don not get hot under your collar man I'm talking about temperature control (it wouldn't be a article without a bad joke). Today, we live in a world where ambient temperature is constant. Rather than toughing the environment we have air conditioned, or heated, buildings, cars and public transport and so on. It is not often we have to face the extremes in temperature unless we are running from the taxi to the building door. We are typically in a very narrow temperature range that suits us. BUT, and there is always a but, this comes at a cost.
There is an ambient thermoneutral zone where energy expenditure is minimised to maintain internal temperature in our bodies. When the temperature is too cold, we expend energy by shivering to try and heat ourselves up. If it is too hot we sweat to cool ourselves down. If it is within this zone then our bodies do not need to spend so much energy to maintain core body temperature (37 deg cel). With modern technologies we are lucky enough to keep ourselves within this zone almost all the time. The byproduct is that our bodies spend far less energy to stay warm than they would have done otherwise. This technique is commonly used to promote weight gain in livestock and I see no reason why it would not occur in us too.
In the year 2000 I was lucky enough to travel to Antarctic continent to do some researches, field work and study fish and penguin populations down there. I was very cold most of the time and I put on 10 kilograms because I was constantly eating. This is a very common phenomenon when people go to the 'ice'. They eat and eat and eat and put on a lot of extra weight. The amount of energy needed to keep warm is huge and typically a person eats double the amount of calories they normally do to keep up. Of course I had free supply of food and made the most of this food. The message from this is that our bodies can spend a HUGE amount of energy keeping warm or cool, and this energy is no longer used in today's world.
Phill Barnett is a health blogger Who writes for

A Brief Overview of Depression

Depression is an extremely common mood disorder. In fact, when used in combination with anxiety, depression is the most frequent emotional disorder in England - experienced by nearly 10 percent of the country's population (according to The Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2009).
The reason why depression and anxiety are typically put together in surveys and investigations like this is because anxiety can be systematic of depression. That is to say, that those diagnosed with depression may sometime display a tendency towards bouts of anxiety such as panic attacks.
With that said, depression may conversely be classed as a manifestation of a panic or anxiety disorder. As you can imagine, this can subsequently make diagnosis difficult. In addition, the range of indicators pertaining to depression is very long and arguably obscure. By way of example, symptoms may include sleep issues, feeling wretched and teary, poor self image, short temperedness, lack of sex drive and weight loss or weight gain.
However, we all experience a number of these problems during our lifetime. Would this imply that all of us are depressed? Leading on from this, when is it advisable consult a doctor? These are all legitimate questions. After all, how many times have you thought or even said aloud, "I feel depressed." And yet feeling depressed and suffering from clinical depression are not the same thing.
So where does the distinction lie and what should you do if you think you might be suffering from depression? Well, first of all, you should calculate the frequency with which you truly feel these negative emotions. For instance, feeling teary-eyed from time to time is not unusual. However, if you were to suffer from several of these symptoms consistently over a two week period, then it would be advisable to seek a consultation your GP.
The ideal method for how your depression is targeted will differ with respect to its seriousness. Just like the signs and symptoms of depression, you cannot pinpoint one absolute root cause of depression. There's some mounting belief of an inherited basis to manic depression (also known as bi-polar disorder). However, this is not really the case with the depression that we're examining in this article. Having said that, if there's a family history of depression then the probability that you too will suffer from depression increases.
Further triggers for depression may include a sudden or unexpected shake-up to your everyday life. To illustrate, a relationship breakdown, house move or even starting a new job can potentially play a role in the development of symptoms. There are, of course, other ways in which depression can manifest itself, that aren't related to such "life events". For instance, in a number of situations, drug use and even prescription drugs can lead to depression. In addition, there's been a connection proven regarding food and frame of mind, which implies that the foods you eat could impact on levels of depression - a connection wittingly dubbed "food and mood". In a similar vein, there has been a link established through mood and exercise, which has long been said to raise endorphin levels. These can produce feelings of a euphoric high in the participant, thereby suggesting that exercise can, to a certain degree, be a way to stave off depression.
Once you have sought help, you doctor should provide you with an assessment into your state of mind. Your analysis ought to take note of your past health and not just your ongoing wellbeing. From this point your doctor should offer you proper treatment as best fits your type of depression. Truth be told, anti-depressants have become the most commonly provided form of treatment, primarily selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Although their overall performance is shown as clinically significant when relieving more extreme kinds of depression, there are a lot of non-medicated treatments which have been rising in popularity for treating more generalised types of depression. These include group therapy and cognitive therapy (CBT), which provides a way of breaking down major issues into smaller problems and talking through them.
If you are interested in learning more about self help for depression then you should have a look at subscribing to this self help magazine.

Want to Build Muscle and Get Ripped? 3 Things to Get You Started

In today's world, with so many paths you can go down to start or keep up a fitness and muscle-building plan. Most claims have some truth to them, but a few pieces of the body building process that cannot be ignored. Without knowing the basics, we all struggle to make it through the process and that is not the right way to pursue your goals. Your goals need must easy to do and see results so that you keep your enthusiasm.
We all know we need to eat, nutrition is important, but for the muscle builder, it is critical. Muscle do not respond well to tearing them down and rebuilding them without being fed properly. That means before, during and after a work-out! Having the right combinations of good proteins and carbohydrates before you start a work-out will give your muscles the proper nutrition to keep from fatiguing during a work-out. During a work-out, your muscles need extra water to keep them full or they will lose their strength fast and the weight you are pumping will get heavy and make it difficult to finish any set! After a work-out, you muscles will need more protein to give them the nutrition to fix those micro tears that help them become bigger. Eating is important but not as important as eating the right foods at the right time.
The second part of the process requires supplements, and no, I don't mean steroids! Natural supplements are very important to any muscle-building process. Supplements promote lean muscle growth, enhance protein synthesis, cut the risk of catabolism (muscle loss) and supports ideal recovery from work-outs that tear down the muscle tissue. It is possible to eat enough of the right foods to get all the nutrients you need, but it is very difficult! That is where supplements come in, along with all the good proteins and carbohydrates, you need to add specific supplements that will aid your muscles in the building process. Supplements like a good multivitamins, Whey protein and Creatine and all great sources to help any body building process. A good fitness plan will give you all the right information to make good decisions about supplements.
And the third part is of course the work-out itself. Just walking into a gym and starting to pump weights without a plan is not good for your muscles and will just frustrate you. You need to have a plan that gives you the correct exercises and cardio work-outs that will give you the best work-out you can get. A good work-out that takes 3 or 4 days a week with some rest for you muscles is important. It is also important to have cardio build into your plan and that all your muscle groups get a work-out. Muscle talk to each other and they all need to feel like they are part of the process! Pick a good fitness and muscle-building plan and stick with it and you will be amazed at how fast you see results!
Hello, I am Rick Outzen and I would like you to take the time to go through this very important program and change your life. Click on and see at least 4 nutrition secrets, 3 supplements, some great recipes and a perfect routine that will jump start your path to fitness and muscle building.

Easy Natural Breast Enhancement Exercise

If you ask women if they desire larger and perkier breasts, most would say yes. But most of them will say no to augmentation surgery. The implants might be desired by some, but certainly not everyone. But the good news is there are more than one way to grow your breasts.
Increasing breast size naturally doesn't have to be difficult. And more importantly, there should be no compromising on your part when using these natural breast enlargement methods. You will likely have unnatural-looking breasts with implants, as that's what most people tend to complain about. And that's one of the reasons why more and more of non-invasive ways to enhance the cup sizes and firmness of breasts are being acknowledged and accepted by experts.
Below you will find easy-to-do exercise moves to help you enhance the appearance of your breasts. Consistency is the key. If you do the exercise with 12 repetitions a day, at least 3 days a week, you will begin to see some results within the first month.
The bench press is an exercise called the useful exercise in your case. The best exercise for shaping and firming your bust line is the bench press, which not only flatters your bust-line and goals of your character, but also shapes your shoulders and tightens the backs of your upper arms.
Require: - pair of dumbbells weighing between 5-10 pounds, a bench
Method to do the bench press exercise: 
  • Lie flat on a bench with your feet on the ground, one foot on each side of the bank
  • Keep your head, shoulders and back firmly positioned on the bench
  • Roll your shoulders back so the shoulder blades are firmly pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking out making you slightly curved
  • Hold the dumbbells about 18 inches apart and parallel to the floor with your palms facing up; the wider the handle is on the outer area of ​​the breast the more work will get done
  • Slowly press the dumbbells straight up, away from your chest
  • Extend your arms fully so that the dumbbells are directly above your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position before pausing slightly at the top of the movement
  • Inhale and hold your breath as you lower weights. When they reach the chest level, you can then begin to move the weight back up
  • Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance
Remember that consistency and commitment will get you to where you want to be. To get bigger breasts without surgery is possible and easy to do. Just do not quit before you achieve your goal.
Claire Mier writes great articles about natural remedies to enhancing your body for She has been an inspirational writer for many women who want to achieve healthier and better-looking body without surgery. Her latest article is Total Curve breast enhancement review on Visit the site today to learn more.

Powerbags: The New Innovative Weight Equipment

Powerbags are creating quite a buzz in the fitness world and are rapidly becoming the most purchased piece of home fitness equipment. Designed by sports psychologist Dr. Mark Bellamy, and launched in 2003, this exciting and innovative piece of weight equipment is now a favourite for many elite athletes, as well as individual fitness enthusiasts. The reason for all the hype and activity surrounding these pieces of equipment has a lot to with the sheer amount of advantages that this product boasts over traditional weight training pieces, such as the medicine ball. Powerbags are favoured, firstly, for their safety: constructed from durable nylon, with easy-to-grip handles, the bags contain sand which effectively distributes weight slowly and safely. Exercises can be carried out with complete confidence as the flexible and soft composition of these bags ensures supreme comfort when training, posing absolutely no risk to the body or gymnasium flooring and equipment.
As a result of the Powerbag's vast array of unique features, this ingenious piece of equipment is the training tool of choice for the England Rugby Squad and the armed forces - with the Royal Marines and Parachute Regiment incorporating Powerbag workouts into their training programs.
Powerbag training employs the use of the body's core stabilizers in a variety of effective weightlifting and callisthenic exercises. The malleability and constantly shifting content of the Powerbag forces the body's muscles to adjust and adapt to the changes in weight distribution when using the bag in regimes such as track and field training, throwing and catching, weightlifting and rehabilitation training. In comparison, standard dumbbell training uses rigid, solid weights that don't push the body to target less-regularly used muscle groups, and of course often require a willing spotting partner to relieve the trainee of the cumbersome barbell. The direct result of training with a Powerbag has seen considerably vast improvements in balance, core stability and coordination.
The transportability of Bellamy's Powerbags is another distinct advantage that helps boost this weight equipment's popularity over the more robust, and usually quite cumbersome, weight machines and training equipment that populate fitness shops and gyms. Filled with sand, the Powerbag can be emptied out, folded neatly away and taken anywhere - this is an extremely useful feature for holidays and travelling; upon arriving to a destination, the Powerbag can simply be refilled with sand from the beach - a crucial asset for the likes of the armed forces when training on tours of duty.
Browse this fantastic selection of Powerbags at reasonable prices at
The contents of this article are the property of ICO3 Ltd

8 Free Tips: The Truth About Handcare

Look at your hands now and tell yourself what you see?
Beautifull and gorgeous hands are so important.
Hands tells everything about yourself, how you live your life and love your body.
They say that hands give a woman's age away, well so what!
But gorgeous hands are the carriers of your personality, no matter in what situation and age you are.
You wear fancy designer clothes, imagine the negative effects if you combine these fancy clothes with abbandonded hands.
Look around you and see how hands are the centre of communication.
At a party, or even a job interview, your hands are your business card.
Your hands are the ultimate tool invented ever, but you don't realize how importants these tools are. You just use them all day;
Shaking hands, cooking, doing your hair, feel, touch, work, write.
Endless, think about this for a second.
And decide now, no matter what your age is, to treat them as your treassure.
  • The skin of the hand is so thin, protect the skin.
  • Pamper your hands with your personal handlotion, 4 times a day.
  • Exfoliate once a week with a face exfoliater.
  • Use once a week your face nightcream also on your hands before you go to sleep.
  • Get accustomed to using rubber gloves whenever you do housework.
  • Prevent your hands from aging or abusing.
  • Protect your hands from dry weather as well as protecting them from the sun.
  • Use daily a protective barrier.
With other words:
The best way to take care of your hands is to protect them.
Ines van den Born is a registered nurse in Europe. She is also International Sales and Marketing manager Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices.
Ines van den Born
Italian Leather Gloves, your second skin.

Achieving Optimum Health

"Optimum health is not just the absence of disease but the presence of wellness in mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social areas. Some would also include financial health."
Optimum health is essential at all levels, from the individual to the society we live in to the environment around us. We have to start thinking of wealth not just in terms of possession of money and properties but also the possession of mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well-being.
Mental Health
The truth is mind is the forerunner of all states.
With a proper mindset, a poor man can still be happy. Conversely, if the mindset is not right, no matter how much material possessions you may have, you may still be a very unhappy person. Thus, Gandhi said, "The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not enough for even a single person's greed."
So a healthy mind is one that possesses a mindset that can lead to happiness and contentment with self and the world around us. It provides clarity of thoughts, good insight and the ability to see things through an unbiased mind.
To be able to see things through an unbiased mind is no small feat. It is extremely difficult to note or observe the unfolding of events and phenomena without judging. We habitually associate emotions or feelings to events, and allow such emotions to direct our actions. Our likes for certain things and dislikes for others are closely associated with our emotions.
Emotional Health
It is our emotions that lead us to act impulsively at times. Thus a high level of self-awareness in this area is extremely useful. In fact, it is essential to our well-being. After all, things and relationships that may take us years to build can be destroyed in a moment of anger.
There are positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions such as love, compassion and joy should be cultivated, while negative emotions such as fear, anger and hate need to be eradicated.
When asked about this, a wise sage of India once illustrated with a story:
An old man said to his grandson, "Boy, I have two tigers caged within me. One is love and compassion. The other is fear and anger."
The young boy asked, "Which one will win, grandfather?"
The old man replied, "The one I feed."
At times, it may seem that we have no control over our emotions. This is not true. The truth is how well we manage our emotions depends on how aware we are of our emotions, particularly on the arising of our emotions. The earlier we are able to note the arising of our emotions, we better we can manage them.
More and more researches are showing that our well-being is closely linked to our emotional and mental health. Our body's immune system is generally enhanced by positive mental outlook and emotion. Conversely, it is depressed by negative mental and emotional states. Thus, stress, worry, anger and fear are some states that may lead to physical illnesses such as hypertension, cardiac diseases, peptic ulcers, depression and a host of other ailments.
Physical Health
To maintain an optimum physical well-being, therefore, requires us to focus not only on our body but also our mind and emotions.
On a physical level, our body can be kept healthy through adequate sleep and rest, proper nutrition, regular exercises and a healthy environment that is free from pollution.
Spiritual Health
Throughout the ages, wise men have consistently informed and taught us that we are essentially spiritual beings.
Although medical science has not been able to reveal to us our spiritual nature, there are many indirect evidence that we would be foolish to ignore. Stories from people who had gone through a near death experience (NDE), or dying people with heightened nearing death awareness, or simply a cure from an 'incurable' disease all suggest that there is more to life than just the physical state.
Major religions of the world all based their teachings on the belief that we are essentially spiritual beings. According to these teachings, our physical existence is secondary.
While it may be true that we should focus our life more on our spiritual nature than our physical nature, it would be difficult for the majority of people to do so, at least not immediately. Things cannot change overnight. Mindset, however, can, and that is perhaps the best place to start.
Financial Health
However, on a more mundane level, most people are still stuck on how to survive from day to day, where to get the next cheque to pay for the house installment, so on and so forth.
Practically, therefore, we need to look into ways to achieve a financial state that would theoretically free us from the constrain of 'forced' work. This is where the concept of financial freedom is so attractive. According to this concept, one should strive for a state where we have one or more than one source of income that can be generated passively, that is, even when we don't work.
This is what Robert Kiyosaki termed as 'passive income'.
According to him, passive income can only be achieved by becoming an investor or a business owner, not a sole proprietor or an employee. To become an investor or a business owner, you must spend the time and money to acquire financial intelligence. Unlike IQ or EQ, you can acquire financial intelligence through self education.
To get a financial health check-up, consult an accountant, a banker or a financial planner you can trust.
Healthy Relationship
"No man is an island, entire by itself."
As a medical doctor, I am in a unique position to confront and comfort dying patients. One of the most important thing that I have observed is that dying people do not ask about their money or possessions. Instead, they focus their remaining energy and strength on trying to heal wounded relationships. It is as though there is an inherent need to get a proper closure to a relationship.
Thus, forming and cultivating a healthy relationship is important for our well-being. Unfortunately, this is something we often ignored until it is too late. If there is any forgiving to be done, or the need to be forgiven, leaving things to the last minutes may end up with an unfulfilled desire for a closure.
Knowing this now, shouldn't we spend more time and effort in improving our relationship with our loved ones, especially with our parents, spouse, children and siblings?
Dr Tim Ong is a medical doctor with 15 years of experience in family medicine. He is also a speaker, trainer and counsellor in his community. He has a personal website at

Best Leg Exercises That Will Give You Awesome Looking Quads and Calves

You have the glamour muscles looking nice (biceps and triceps), you have a great looking six pack, now it is time to get those legs looking good to go with the rest of your rock solid bod. You can have great looking quads and calves with the right leg exercises.
So what are some of the best leg exercises?
1) Squat - One of the most effective exercises to build strong quads. Stand up straight and bring your body towards the ground until your knees are pointing out in front of you and your butt is poking out in the back. Keep back straight. You can do this with your bodyweight or a barbell on your shoulders.
2) Jump Squat- Not much different than a traditional squat (minus the weight and barbell) but a little more intense. This is more of a plyometric exercise than regular squats. As you are coming down to do the squat position explode up. Your arms should be straight in the air as you are going up. Make sure to land softly when you come back down on the front of your feet not your heels.
3) Lunges- Standing up, step one leg in front of the other with a bent knee. Keep your back as straight as possible. Your back knee will go straight down to the floor but not touch it. Lunges are great for working your quads and calves. You can do lunges with or with dumbbells.
4) Reverse Lunges- Do the same lunge movement just do it behind your body instead of in front of you. This is just a different variation to switch things up a bit. Alternate reps between legs just like regular lunges.
You can also do jump lunges to make it a plyometric exercise as well. Basically get in lunge position and jump back and forth switching legs.
5) Calf Raises- Stand a couple feet away from a wall with your hands against it. Bring your feet to a position where you are on your tippy toes and flex your calves. This will bring a significant contraction to your calves. These can be performed with your bodyweight or a dumbbell.
6) Single Leg Bridge- Lying on the ground with your feet in front of you flat on the floor with knees bent and arms on your side. Lift one leg and keep it straight throughout the reps. Lift your back and your butt off the floor, squeezing your glutes. Your shoulders and head should not leave the floor.
There aren't a lot of people who enjoy working legs. Don't neglect your legs. Your upper as well as your lower body should look good, not just your upper body. Take some time and do these leg exercises to have some nice looking quads and calves for your next outing.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to the Free report "Ripped Like a Movie Star" when you visit
From Matthew Beavers - The Fitness and Nutrition Guy

Worlds Strongest Man Tournament

Beginning on the BBC, the show has stood strong and continued its popularity for over 25 years.
The concept remains as simple as it started, yet viewers still enjoy the events. Extremely strong individuals, lifting, throwing, pulling and pushing unbelievably heavy items to the general public is extremely entertaining. Like circuses are known for their strongman acts displaying incredible human ability to cope with intense pressures, WSM has taken an act and transformed it into a legitimate and respected sport.
There are currently 20 individual events in the competition, ranging from 180kg stones labelled the 'Atlas Stones' to the Highland Games influenced 'Keg Toss'. The entire competition has taken a long journey from the first in 1977 involving 8 participants from only 2 countries (USA and Italy), to the now truly international WSM's of today incorporating 30 participants from over 17 nations.
Arguably the highest rated and all time best competitor has been Mariusz Pudzianowski. He has gone on to win five WSM titles altogether and has finished in the top three on many other occasions. Along with him, family favourites like Magnus Samuelsson and 2012's winner Zydrunas Savickas have kept not just the UK, but the world watching the extent of human pain and ache endurance for the title of being the world's strongest man.
What with the future of the World's Strongest Man? Although many remain loyal fans of the series of tournaments, the shortcoming has been its lack of gathering new viewers. Numerous people will remember sitting down every week to catch up on the latest strength demonstrating exertions, but of those numerous people, who still without fail, makes sure they catch every episode of the competition? More importantly the move onto Channel 5 unfortunately has not only reduced the viewer numbers, but also reduces the reputation originally built with the BBC. This has resulted in the young generation lacking a desire to even begin watching the show, consequently producing a gloomy future for the strength athletics show.
One method of revival could be an increased number of participants. Do you think you could participate in the World's Strongest Man? Well if you can bench over 200kg, deadlift over 400kg, eat over 6500 calories for your muscle needs, and see yourself as the next Zydrunas Savickas, then why not sign up to next year's WSM qualifiers. However, if you only accomplish the 6500 calorie diet, there could be a few more years of training yet.
Overall it is has to tell what the future of the show will be. From a successful start, to still a fairly strong position on Channel 5 when compared with other similar shows, fingers remain crossed for the enjoyable tournament to continue on for many years to come and not to discontinue due to a lack of viewers.
Arnold Nevsky is an expert article writer in this industry but he wanted to improve his latest article. Arnold selected Muscle Finesse, a supplier of body building protein powders, to help him due to their knowledge of the market.

Muscle Building Mistakes That Are Robbing You Of Your Gains

You go to the gym, eat your meals, take your whey protein shakes, and you sleep like a baby. Yet for some reason, you just aren't getting the results that you want. You think you are doing everything correct, but you just might be making these 4 muscle building mistakes...
Muscle Building Mistake #1
Not training with intensity. There is a fine line between showing up to the gym, and actually training in the gym to build muscle. Simply showing up to the gym doesn't put pounds and pounds of rock hard muscle onto your physique. You MUST train with intensity in order to produce desire results. Intensity should be the foundation of your training. Here is a tip. Keep your weight training sessions from 30-60 minutes. Doing this allow you to keep a sprint mentality and put the most amount of focus and intensity into your training. More intensity. More muscle!
Muscle Building Mistake #2
Not following through. Did you do everything you needed to do today that will allow you to build muscle? For example, getting to the gym, eating all 5 meals, writing down your progress, etc. Awesome! You must do that on a consistent basis. Building muscle doesn't happen by accident. You must follow through with the fundamentals on a daily basis in order to see results. One day on and one day off doesn't cut it. Which leads me to my next point...
Muscle Building Mistake #3
Trying to reinvent the wheel. This happens when someone decides to try something completely new and go against with what always works... the fundamentals. Do yourself a favor and keep it simple. Eat the foods you know you should be eating (lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats) and follow through with training routines that have been used by those who have built muscle.
Muscle Building Mistake #4
Focusing on the pump. So many lifters swear by the pump, which is basically when blood gets "trapped" in the muscles which causes it to expand. Although the pump is awesome psychologically, it doesn't relate to muscle growth. Stimulating the muscle properly through heavy lifting builds muscle, not just the pump by itself.
So there you have it. Have you been making any of these mistakes? I sure hope not. Unfortunately these are only a few of the mistakes that many lifters make. If you want to know what the 3 WORST muscle building mistakes are, head on over to muscle building secrets.

Worlds Strongest Man Tournament

Beginning on the BBC, the show has stood strong and continued its popularity for over 25 years.
The concept remains as simple as it started, yet viewers still enjoy the events. Extremely strong individuals, lifting, throwing, pulling and pushing unbelievably heavy items to the general public is extremely entertaining. Like circuses are known for their strongman acts displaying incredible human ability to cope with intense pressures, WSM has taken an act and transformed it into a legitimate and respected sport.
There are currently 20 individual events in the competition, ranging from 180kg stones labelled the 'Atlas Stones' to the Highland Games influenced 'Keg Toss'. The entire competition has taken a long journey from the first in 1977 involving 8 participants from only 2 countries (USA and Italy), to the now truly international WSM's of today incorporating 30 participants from over 17 nations.
Arguably the highest rated and all time best competitor has been Mariusz Pudzianowski. He has gone on to win five WSM titles altogether and has finished in the top three on many other occasions. Along with him, family favourites like Magnus Samuelsson and 2012's winner Zydrunas Savickas have kept not just the UK, but the world watching the extent of human pain and ache endurance for the title of being the world's strongest man.
What with the future of the World's Strongest Man? Although many remain loyal fans of the series of tournaments, the shortcoming has been its lack of gathering new viewers. Numerous people will remember sitting down every week to catch up on the latest strength demonstrating exertions, but of those numerous people, who still without fail, makes sure they catch every episode of the competition? More importantly the move onto Channel 5 unfortunately has not only reduced the viewer numbers, but also reduces the reputation originally built with the BBC. This has resulted in the young generation lacking a desire to even begin watching the show, consequently producing a gloomy future for the strength athletics show.
One method of revival could be an increased number of participants. Do you think you could participate in the World's Strongest Man? Well if you can bench over 200kg, deadlift over 400kg, eat over 6500 calories for your muscle needs, and see yourself as the next Zydrunas Savickas, then why not sign up to next year's WSM qualifiers. However, if you only accomplish the 6500 calorie diet, there could be a few more years of training yet.
Overall it is has to tell what the future of the show will be. From a successful start, to still a fairly strong position on Channel 5 when compared with other similar shows, fingers remain crossed for the enjoyable tournament to continue on for many years to come and not to discontinue due to a lack of viewers.
Arnold Nevsky is an expert article writer in this industry but he wanted to improve his latest article. Arnold selected Muscle Finesse, a supplier of body building protein powders, to help him due to their knowledge of the market.

Real Fitness For Real People

Fitness is an art that has many challenges. Getting healthy must be balanced and guided through Instruction and discipline. It's only one true way to get fit proper nutrition and routine exercise is the only key, but knowing which door to open and when to open it is not an easy task. Fitness is planning, when planning you must have a destination or goal. Be Aware of fitness programs that offer quick results that are not realistic you cannot put a time on your health and wellness. You can't expect to eat unhealthy and not workout for years and turn it all around within ten minutes no matter what someone tells you.
It is very smart to do exercises that make sense and are more suitable for you, example for beginners and intermediates can do a simple, but effective exercise called a sit-stand. The proper way to do a sit-stand is to sit down in a chair and simply stand back up, do this movement about 12 to 15 times without stopping for four sets while taking a short break in-between each set. Just by doing a few sets of this exercise you are gaining more strength in your leg muscles and core the front and back. Once you get use to the movement you might want to add weight you can use dumbbells or even household products like bleach or detergent. Another good exercise for beginners or intermediates is simple bicep curls your palm should face your shoulder next move the arm down to the waist and back up towards the shoulder. You can use dumbbells to add more weight if needed books and cans will also work just fine.
There's a lot of fitness craze going on in the world, people are making billions of dollars just selling supplement products. Most people nowadays want to believe that taking pills and drinking shakes will make them healthy and fit without having to exercise or eat healthy at all. What ever happen to just simply walking to the store? Nowadays most people will drive a car to the store that is across the street. People are following fitness reality television shows and comparing their body to the physique of a professional athlete which won't get them very far. Most professional athletes get in shape for their sport season then soon after most get back out of shape just as fast as they got into shape. They also get paid for their performance so they have a great reason and purpose getting fit. It's a great idea to just be real with yourself and use common sense. Getting healthy and staying fit is a lifelong project whether you believe it or not. There's not any pill or supplement on the market today that will make you healthy and fit. Eating healthy foods with the proper portion size control will definitely help you get healthy and stay healthy. Exercise and having an active lifestyle will help tone your muscles and will make your clothes fit you better. People were fit since the beginning of time just by walking, lifting their body weight and eating the right foods for energy, these days getting fit has been made more confusing and people are being promised great results in just a few minutes.
For Faster Results Please Go To There You Will Receive All Of The Help That You Will Need, Also You Will Receive A Free Healthy Food List.

Dehydration: To Perform or Not to Perform!

Dehydration; to perform or not to perform!
"You're not sick; you're thirsty"
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
Hydration is one of the most misunderstood factors in health, daily function, and sports performance. Your muscles are 70% water, your blood 82% water, your lungs are 90%, your brain 76%, and your bones are 25% water. Water is involved in a multitude of bodily functions including urine production (essential for detoxification), synovial tissue, blood, and the lymphatic system just to name a few. For a compound that makes up such a large percentage of our body, one would think that we would put a little more focus on it when it comes to fitness and health.
What is dehydration really?
Dehydration is the loss of body water, and, just as important, electrolytes (minerals). Both H20 and minerals are essential for the body's functions. Magnesium for example is involved in over 300 enzyme reactions. The consequences for dehydration are not often fully recognized. For example, every 1% we are dehydrated we lose 10% in performance. So for a 120lb female that's 16oz (500mls or two glasses) of water. Not hard to lose considering we can breathe out that much water when we sleep. Your daily activities can reduce your body water easily by another 16 oz (500 ml). Add diuretics like alcohol and coffee to the mix and you can have someone boarding on chronic dehydration.
Unfortunately, we can lose up to 2% of our body water before we even feel thirsty. I have observed people lose only 4-8% of their body weight in water develop headaches, dizzy spells, and nearly pass out. Research has shown that dehydration can cause not only an inhibition of short-term memory but also interference with the recall of long-term memory. Food for thought when you are pounding down the coffee all day to stay awake; when coffee is a natural diuretic (promotes water loss from the body). The odd coffee, here and there, is fine, but, the uplifting effects are short lived if it worsens the already poor state of hydration.
So, what are some signs you are dehydrated? What are the potential consequences?
  • Mild dehydration: symptoms start at dark urine, Dry mouth, Hunger.
  • Moderate: Eyes begin to sink in (partially due to brain shrinkage),loss of skin elasticity, and nearly no urine output.
  • Severe- Pulse can be rapid but weak, cold hands and feet, hyperventilation, and lethargy. Eventually this can end in coma or seizures if untreated.
As mentioned earlier water its self is only half of the equation. Minerals (electrolytes) are essential for human existence. If water is Santa clause then minerals would be his Reindeer. H20 cannot function effectively without minerals. An illustration of this is hyper-hydration sickness and even deaths in athletes and soldiers, a condition called "Hyponatremia". This is where hyper hydration "washes out" minerals from the body. The resulting mineral loss causes all sorts of physiological issues such as those noted above. The balance of minerals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, and calcium are essential. In fact our nerve impulses are created by sodium and potassium entering and leaving the nerve. If any of these minerals get out of balance you can be in trouble, and no matter how much you "hydrate" you will wind up dehydrated if you lose minerals. Sounds like double Dutch right? Minerals help you utilize H20 in the body. Without the minerals water utilization is impaired.
Sodium: Prevents water intoxication, Essential for nerve impulse, maintains water balance, Helps maintain blood pressure
Potassium: Helps maintain normal water balance, helps the body utilize glycogen, Enables muscle contraction, prevents muscle fatigue, enables nerve impulse
Chloride: Prevents dehydration, maintains water balance, helps break down proteins, helps to absorb B vitamins, enables nerve impulse, enables normal muscle contraction and relaxation.
Magnesium: Stimulates metabolism of Fats and carbohydrates for energy, helps build proteins, essential for the conversion of ATP for energy, prevents over-stimulation of sympathetic nervous system hence decreasing inflammation, fights cortisol hence prevents muscle breakdown, allows nerve impulse, strengthens immune system.
So, what's the answer for active individuals on the go? We don't recommend any of the over the counter sports drinks on the market because they have a ton of artificial flavors, sugars and coloring that are toxic to the body. Our personal favorite is HDX Hydration Mix, and BodyWorks Lifestyle regularly recommends this to our active clients and athletes.

What's A Bilateral Muscle?

Muscles are essential to the body. They are the reason why we can walk, eat, talk and do many physical activities. Your organs are also made up of hundreds of involuntary muscles that are responsible for keeping you alive. There are many kinds of muscles in your body. Some work by themselves while others need to coordinate with the different muscles located in your body. In this article, we are going to focus on bilateral muscles and the injuries involved with them.
What is a bilateral muscle? To understand further, let us define the terms separately. When you say bilateral, this means that you can find it on both sides of the axis. Muscles, on the other hand, are contractile organs of your body. With this, you can infer that bilateral muscles are muscles which can be found on either side of your body. Examples of these are the muscles of your arms. You have two arms therefore the muscles of your both arms are bilateral. The calf muscles and leg muscles are also bilateral.
There are many instances when both your bilateral muscles can be injured. This is because they are interconnected with each other. One of the most common injuries is the bilateral calf pain. This is a condition wherein both of you calves experience problem, discomfort and pain. Although this condition is often caused by accidents, it can also be caused by habitual activities and overuse or what we call "wear and tear." When you have a calf pain, you need to rest your legs for a sufficient amount of time until they recover. This is especially true for cases of wear and tear. If you try to use them any further, the condition will just be aggravated. Doctors may also suggest taking anti-inflammatory medications and pain killers to remove the discomfort and pain.
Another condition is the bilateral weakness of you leg muscles. Some people feel that their legs are becoming weaker as time passes by while others experience partial to complete paralysis. This condition is more severe than you can imagine because it directly involves your central nervous system. There are different causes for bilateral leg weakness. The most common is stroke. When you experience stroke, some parts of your body are likely to be paralyzed because of the damage on your brain or your spinal cord. Infections of the nerves can also cause this condition especially when the spinal nerves are affected. It is very important to consult a doctor or osteopath immediately when you feel great weakness on your leg area. This is important in order for the doctor to immediately pinpoint the cause and offer treatments to avoid the problem from becoming worse.
Hi. I'm Karen. Ever since my friend introduced me to osteopathy, I've been a huge fan. My osteopathy practitioner helps me get back on track when I visit. This has inspired me to understand more about my body and how I can get the best from it.

Starting to Exercise: Should I Take a Bunch of Measurements First?

Well, its your first day at the new gym you've just joined, and you've decided that you're going to do things right! Not only have you signed up for a year-long membership (to make sure you're committed), but you've even arranged sessions with a personal trainer. You meet your new trainer, and after a few pleasantries, he whips out the tape measure and wraps it around your upper arms, and then around your waist. Although you're a bit embarrassed (because you have no idea what the measurements are going to turn out to be, or even what they should be), you're assured that this is a great idea because getting down all these "markers" now are going to establish "where you're at", and then months down the line you can look back at them and swell with pride at the amazing progress you've made. After all, numbers don't lie, and its easy to fool ourselves that we're getting better, so we better have some hard evidence to back up our assertions.
The trainers tells you that you're 5'7", 185 lbs, and have a 35% bodyfat composition. Other markers are of course taken, and now perhaps you know your blood pressure, your BMI, waistline circumference, and a slew of other statistics.
You rush home excitedly after your first workout session to see if the scale has already started moving in the right direction!
Can anything be wrong with this? I mean, this is just the status quo, right? This is the way its ALWAYS done in EVERY gym across America, and watching those numbers change sure is motivational, right?
If you are overweight, and not an athlete, I'm going to give you several reasons why this should NOT be done even though it flies in the face of convention.
Number one: its embarrassing. If you're overweight, have fat upper arms, or a bulging midsection, you already know it! You don't need some young hot shot a the gym measuring to see "just how big" you are! But this is just the first petty "warm up" reason; the important ones start now.
Number two: it can be very de-motivational! Wait a second, I thought the major purpose of this whole process was to fuel my motivation; why would it do the opposite? Well, the truth is, oftentimes, numbers change very little. And oftentimes, very slowly! So slowly in fact, that you just may decide "exercise isn't working for you" and you might as well just hang it up and quit.
Number three: and this is by far the biggest reason: it is much more important THAT you start and maintain and exercise program, than "how rapidly" you're seeing measurable results! Let me state that again: activity is much more important than results.
Lets say that you finally started walking, and now you're doing it 5 times per week. Then you graduated to doing a little weight training, or bike riding, or kickboxing, or Zumba classes, or yoga, or whatever... Are you going to tell me that its not having a positive effect on your body and health even though your bodyfat percentage doesn't seem to be budging?
Aren't you're muscles and tendons getting stronger? Isn't your cardiovascular system being benefitted? Hasn't your stamina increased and aren't you feeling better about yourself? Aren't your clothes fitting at least a tiny bit better? Of course! And now because your chart hasn't changed much you're thinking that you're on the wrong track? Nonsense!
The most important thing you can do for yourself is develop a "lifestyle of exercise". A lifestyle where you make darn sure, every single week, that you're exercise program is not being neglected. You're finding fun active things to do; you're jumping on a bike and riding around the neighborhood for 20 minutes. You're taking evening walks. You did a hike, or canoe trip, or skiing weekend, or jumped on your TotalGym, or went to the gym, or did your Kickboxing workout on the heavy bag hanging in your garage. You're lifestyle is no longer sedentary, its active! That is a HUGE plus, and no one should be able to discourage you from that. This is the "new you", and you are slowly becoming active, more fit, healthier, stronger, and more athletic. As long as you are DOING the right things, then you are on the RIGHT track, period!
Forget about "progress", that is not always something you can control. But you CAN control whether you eat that second donut; and whether you do your exercise session for the day. Concentrate on those things you have the ability to control and forget about change. Change takes care of itself, eventually, even if its not as evident on the "outside" as you would like. Does that mean you can't weigh yourself? Of course not, but don't become obsessed by it. By your new activity you are getting healthier and stronger and you should be happy and proud of that, end of discussion!
Here is ALL you need to do; its a two-step process that ANYBODY can follow:
Limit your intake of sugar and fats. Before eating something, ask yourself, "If this is bad for me, how much of it should I really eat?" Use common sense. Get adequate nutrition, and don't indulge in high-fat and high-sugar foods. If you like them, eat them sparingly. Don't drink only sodas all day long; limit it to two. Trim a lot of fat off your meat that you would previously have eaten. Skip dessert frequently. Use your noodle, this ain't rocket science!
Exercise. The amount and frequency will depend on a number of factors, but a basic breakdown might be:
If its really easy (like walking), do it 5 times per week.
If its moderate, do it 4 times per week. Or maybe 2 or 3 times with 2 or 3 "easy" days thrown in.
If its vigorous, do it 3 times per week. You could also add in some easy days in between, depending on your goals, time available, etc.
Change your mind, change your habits, and change your lifestyle. Exercise and activity simply MUST be a part of "the new you". Don't settle for anything less. Find something you like to do and DO it. If you can't find anything you like to do, do it anyway until you do find something you like, but NOT exercising is no longer an option. Forget the metrics, the baselines, the percentages, and all that numerical data that you thought was a must. Nothing is a must except that your lifestyle changes and that exercise is now a part of it.
Thank your personal trainer for his or her offer of getting all your "stats" down, but tell him or her that you're most interested in learning how to do the exercises safely, that you need to know exactly what each exercise or machine does for you, and perhaps a program that you can follow that will steer you most rapidly toward your goals.
As for me, I've chosen kickboxing as my "exercise of choice", and if you want to join me on my program, I've developed an amazing home workout system that uses only a heavy bag and a pair of gloves. With it, you get your fat loss, your aerobic workout, your muscle strengthening and bone density increase... ALL the things you're looking for and need, in a complete, interesting, and easy to follow program. Just go to my site for details. All the best to you as you embark on your new journey into a lifestyle of fitness!
If you're interested in training on the heavy bag using Kickboxing as your workout, then please visit my site: I've developed what is probably the single best home exercise program you could possibly do, as long as you know basic kickboxing moves. If you've never done anything like that before, the program is probably not best for you until you get a little bit of basic training in punching and kicking first. But after that, come check us out!